Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sundays Are for Comics and Laundry

Hi folks -- if your Sundays are anything like mine, it's means reading the Sunday funnies and doing laundry. So here are a few links to go with that.

First off, Happy Chinese New Year -- it's the Year of the Dog.

Here's a Toothpaste for Dinner Comic from 2004 that's still kind of relevant:

Chinese New Year

It's a repackaging of an oldish joke used by comedians mining the lunar calendar for yuks, but I laughed anyway.

Next up, today's edition of Stephan Pastis's Pearls Before Swine comic features another blog theme (see a previous take on the subject):

Jan. 29 Pearls Before Swine Comic

Click the comic to check out the punch line -- it's all about people's (or Rat's, in this case) motivation for blogging.

Moving on to laundry items, there was a piece on today that was getting some attention -- it's instructions on how to build a t-shirt folding machine out of cardboard [it's a video link -- the title card is in French, but the instructions are all graphical.].

It's pretty cool, though I note that there is also a commercial product ("As Seen on TV") that does the same thing, if you want to pay $15 for it.

One of the things you'll see about Digg is that you never know what's going to catch people's attention. Plus, you'll usually see multiple versions of the same link or story -- it's a little hit or miss as to what headline people react to -- another version of the t-shirt folding thing, for example, was posted five days ago, but only got 14 diggs (or votes), whereas this weekend's article has over 1,800 diggs and counting.

The earlier article also features a t-shirt folding technique video that was pretty big last year or so -- it lets you fold a t-shirt in 3 or 4 seconds. Here's a few clips found from Google Video:

Videos of T-Shirt Folding Techniques

It works fast, though I don't really like how the sleeves end up.

This is all kind of theoretical right now -- I have to go do the laundry before I can fold it.

Now, if only they had something like this for ironing.

I hate ironing.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Yep, had about 30 people at a Chinese New Year Celebration last night! It was fun!

Anonymous said...

I like how it takes 19 seconds to show how to fold a shirt in 4 seconds.  Kinda like watching the last 37 seconds of a football game.  

Now I've watched both several times, and I still can't get my shirt to come out like that.  Is there a Folding for Dummies book out somewhere?

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

Man, I *love* the Shirtagami video.  After I'd watched it, I went and re-folded all my t-shirts (and I have plenty of 'em) using my new shirt folding-fu ... and they ended up taking *less* space in the drawer -- well, they folded down more compactly so they fit better.

That video changed my life.  The Japanese contribution of Shirtagami to the t-shirt wearing world at large almost makes up for all the weird and perverse things they come up with.

Anonymous said...

Hang your shirt in the bathroom before taking a steaming hot shower... poor man's dry cleaner.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Joe (((((Happy Chinese New Year!)))))
Yeah, one of our kids is best friend with a kid from a Chinese restaurant family so we're always envying the kind of food that he gets! lol
Enjoy yourself Joe and we wish you lots of Good Fortune!
hugs, natalie
p.s.  I wish I had been at Deborah's party!:):)

p.p.s. Your blog was very funny today!:)
p.p.p.s Monponsett (looking over at Mon..) had agreat idea!