Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Bloggers Lie!

This item has been floating around the big ole sphere o' blogs today; it comes from blogger Hugh Macleod (a.k.a. "that guy who draws cartoons on the backs of business cards"), who's popular among the "blogerati" (which is a term derived from "literati" -- blogerati means "a bunch of really annoying status-hungry, self-important windbags who think they and their blogs are a lot more important than they actually are.").
Top Ten Blogger Lies

1. I don't consider myself an A-Lister.

No, but I turn up for speaking gigs at all the big conferences anyway. Uh-huh.

2. I don't care about traffic.
Of course I don't. Even though I'm a freelance consultant, and my blog is my primary way of marketing myself. Rock on.

3. I've read your blog.
Yeah, well I read the "Musings of an unemployed tech consultant" bit on the title bar, before clicking off. That counts.

4. I started blogging back in 1999.
Of course, back in 1999 a Flash-animated, brochureware homepage was considered a blog. Kinda sorta.
There are 6 more items (hence the whole "Top 10" thing) -- check out his blog to see the full list. He does use some raw language in other entries of his blog, but he's a good read.

Thanks -- Joe

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