Friday, January 6, 2006

Resolved: Eat More Cheesesteaks

Now, here's a New Year's resolution I can stick with (or stick to, more accurately):

Cheese Steak

Lunch today (as it is many Fridays, to be honest), was a cheesesteak with onion rings. (And a large Diet Coke, of course.)

Am I deliberately torturing people, so soon after posting about America Takes It Off? Of course not: Integrated into many diet & healthier lifestyle plans is the concept of a cheat day once a week, when you are allowed to indulge yourself (within reasonable limits).

This both acts as a psychological release, and to help jolt your metabolism (your body can adjust to just about anything, which is also why many fitness experts advise switching up your exercise routines every 6-8 weeks -- so you don't hit a plateau).

Also, as I mentioned, I'm still getting over a cold, and isn't the conventional wisdom on food and illness:

Feed a Cold, Feed a Fever

That's my version, anyway.

FYI, if you're into pictures of food (as one of Scalzi's entries suggests), you'll probably want to visit Slashfood's Food Porn category.

In other news, I will get to this week's Guest Editor's picks, as well as a few other entries, later this afternoon.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

I LOVE cheese steaks!!!  THat is a fantastic resolution!!!

Anonymous said...

You need a bigger sub with onions and mushrooms, and way more batter on the onion rings.

Anonymous said...

One of the founders of fotolog kept a photoblog that was nothing but photos of what he ate for lunch. Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

It's not a real cheesesteak unless it's from Pat's in Philly

Anonymous said...

Best cheesesteaks in Philly:  NOT Pat's or Geno''s on 5th: Jim's....been there quite a long time....of course, you get Cheez Whiz and not American or Provolone, either!!!