Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Busted for Blogging (With a Twist)

Okay, so just so you know, I'm not just repeating everything that shows up on BoingBoing a day late. (Sometimes, I'm two days late.)

When I first saw the item, 'Facebook prank on police', I thought it was going to be yet another instance of the whole "college students busted for blogging their underaged drinking" thing we've heard about before, invariably involving Facebook, the online directory and social networking site for college (and high school) students.

However, this one has a shocking twist.

As detailed in Sunday's New York Times article [free registration required, try using BugMeNot.com if you don't want to], a bunch of students at George Washington University in D.C. (practically right next door), had previously gotten busted for underaged drinking at a party that they'd planned and promoted on Facebook.

They figured that the campus police had found out about it by reading Facebook, so they promoted another "beer" bash; when the cops came, instead of alcohol and underaged drinking, they found a bunch of students eating cake and cookies (decorated with the word "beer" written in icing).

It was kind of a reverse sting operation. What a cheeky bunch.

Anyway, you can read more about it, including the blog account of attendee Kyle Stoneman, the Cake Party Web site ("Cake Party" sounds like "Keg Party", get it?), and photos from the event for those of us (fogeys) who don't have Facebook logins.

Thanks -- Joe



Anonymous said...

Now that's what I call "shade"! Great job, GWU!

Anonymous said...

I Love it! That is just too funny! Now wait...is that like the Runaway Bride thing & claiming a illegal action is happening when it is not & wasting the laws time? I smell a lawsuit! HA! I see this happening more & more! I can see other stings happening with say couples etc. Ohhhh!