Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A Real Hack Blogger

So, there was an AP story yesterday about a true hack blogger: Melissa Plaut is a New York City cabdriver who blogs about her experiences (content note: this New York City cabdriver swears like, well, a New York City cabdriver) driving on the streets of New York.

Now, someday, stories about person X who does Y and blogs about it aren't going to be any more unusual than any other human interest, person-on-the-street story. But the whole blogging-angle is still pretty new, so we got that going for us.

(Oh, and in case you didn't know, "hack" is another slang term for cab driver.)

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

You just crack yourself up, dontcha?


(you got me too, this time)

Later Tater,

Anonymous said...

Oh, well. Better luck next time. Hacking is pretty bad & not so good after all.

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda suburban... do people still say "hack" in cities?

Thank the gods that no private investigators blog.