Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Back to Business

Hi folks...I'm back from the citizen journalism conference. Interesting
stuff, I will try to talk about some of the more relevant parts
tomorrow (or so).

In other news, it looks like we're having a bit of a problem with Journals Search
-- this morning, it wasn't returning results properly (it was missing a
lot of stuff, especially if you were searching by screen name).  I
just tried it again now; it looks like there's a fix in but it hasn't
propagated all the way through (or something) -- if you get results
that are a lot fewer than expected, try hitting refresh and see if that

Thanks. -- Joe


Anonymous said...

I was trying to do these searches to track down candidates for the Vivis in categories I was relatively unfamiliar with.  It was a dismal failure.  One evening as I was doing this, attempt would instantly generate an error message instead of a page of results.  Reload would gave a page of *poor* results - mostly irrelevant items or journals last updated in 2004!  Phooey.  I ended up not nominating anyone in some categories, instead trusting that people who do know the categories will nominate someone good.  Then I won'y need to seach - they'll be on the ballot!


Anonymous said...

I just tried again with my screenname and it gave me a few journals that have me listed in their "Other Journals" section but it didn't give me any of my own entries.  Guess it's still not right.

Anonymous said...

HI Joe