Monday, October 17, 2005

At the Copa...Copacabana...

...the hottest place west of Montana (or something like that).

Hi folks. I'm at another blog conference right now (we bloggers do so love talking about blogging), so I'm blogging right now from the floor of the Copa, for the BlogOn 2005 Social Media Summit.
(The wireless network is pretty flaky right now -- I guess a few
hundred bloggers with laptops will do that to your connection -- but
they're working on it.)

This conference is primarily for
businesses who want to use blogging (and social media overall) to
communicate to, well, you all, so it's another one of those things
that's pretty corporate-wonky (as opposed to academic-wonky, or "chin-stroking" as I just heard) and full of buzzwords.

you'd like to follow along and get inside the heads of people who are
trying to use blogs to sell stuff to you, you can follow along the event blog, or see the Webcast and other stuff,
so you sound like you're in the know, without having to pay an
outrageous conference fee.  (Hrm, why am I here again?) Thanks --

Technorati tag:


Anonymous said...

corporate-wonky (as opposed to academic-wonky, or "chin-stroking" as I just heard)

you crack me up, Joe. judi

Anonymous said...

Photos! Take photos!

Anonymous said...

I live in Dallas, Texas, and over the last eight years I have discovered weather has an effect on the Texas Lottery.  We have had patterns.  0-0-0 was our Pick Three number yesterday at noon.  I was expecting it.

We will have double numbers off and on for the next 11-14 days. Afterwards we will have 2-4-6 or something similar.  I am deciphering the lotterey's code.  We could see another triple (3-3-3) at the end of this week or certainly it will be a double on thursday or Friday.

In the PowerBall lottery and Mega Milllions we should see numbers in consecutive order.  Two or three consecutive numbers are likely, not four or five.  Thanks for reading Ken S.