Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sneak Peeks and Strikes

Hi folks -- for most of the day today, the team has been working on pushing out the updated People Connection pages, including the AOL Blogs main page.

The pages are still being tweaked (there are some fit and finish items that need fixing, and some elements are missing or will be added later), but there are also a few new features that I'll talk about tomorrow --  after things settle down a bit. In the meantime, take a look and see what you think.

I'm on Strike!
Also, here's a refresher on striking out using the strikethrough HTML font tag:

Buckyhoo, over at In My Mind I'm Goin' to Carolina, had a question about my previous entry about R11.

In that entry, I'd said something that turned out to be wrong. When I made the fix, I used the <strike></strike> HTML tags, to strike out the text. Buckyhoo wanted to know how I did it.

It's easy, check out my full instructions on how to use strikethrough font tags.

Why strike out text, instead of just making a correction? When used sparingly, strikethrough can show that you made a mistake (or that what you previously blogged is now out-of-date), and that you're making the fix, while at the same time, you're not running away from anything you said earlier.

There's a blogging canard that I don't fully subscribe to which says "Publish first, then make corrections later." That sounds an awful lot like "ask for forgiveness rather than permission," or "shoot first and ask questions later"-- I don't play quite that loose with things, and I try to be as accurate as I can, but everyone makes mistakes or posts stuff that gets superceded.

Especially for corporate or high-profile bloggers (or other folks who are just obsessed with accuracy and the appearance of propriety), the strikethrough tags can be valuable, if only to avoid getting "gotcha"ed when you need to change something.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

I like the new page!
Oh, and I tend to spew forth thoughts and not go back to even edit.  Yikes, I'm sure, but, hey, that's primarily what MY journal is for, get my thoughts out:)   I may need to check out this strikeout thing, however.......  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

Couldn't edit last night; no alerts went out, couldn't read comments but at least all the 'buttons' were there......just couldn't do anything with them after I had done my entry!!!! Wot is happening cos it is getting too frequent!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe. I am the private journal bogger that couldn't get alerts and could no longer "Add-a-Reader." Just wanted to let you know that I think I am now getting most of the alerts AND I can Add-a-Reader, thanks to your advice to put someone on my Buddies list. As soon as I did that, the Add-a-Reader function was up and running again. YOU TOTALLY ROCK! Thanks a million.--Cin

Anonymous said...

Hi -- thanks; the private journals roster thing is still a bug that needs to be fixed, but at least we have a workaround. -- Joe

Anonymous said...

You should have some button where you click on someone else's Journal, and it automatically links in your own Jornal's "favorite journals" section. I'd be more social if you had that.

..probably not what you were rwriting about up above, but here we are, no?

If you already have something like that and I just haven't picked up on it yet... just get back to whatever you were doing.