Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Blog Battle: Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

[Content Note: Most of the links in this entry include strong language. That means cuss words. Except for the astronomy links, which are labeled. You have been warned.]

Joe Rogan and Carlos Mencia, feuding comics
Feuding comedians Joe Rogan and Carlos Mencia

So if you haven't been following along, comedian, actor, Fear Factor host and UFC color man Joe Rogan is in the middle of a dustup with comedian & TV show host Carlos Mencia.

(In a sign of the times, the entries on Wikipedia -- the online encyclopedia site where anyone can add or edit content -- for both Mencia and Rogan have been locked down, to prevent vandalism by partisans of either side.)

Now, Mr. Rogan is apparently something of a crusader when it comes to joke theft
, and has been feuding with Mr. Mencia. (Radar magazine has a pretty good article explaining why joke stealing is important to comedians, as well as past and current accusations)

Things went up a notch on February 10th, when Rogan introduced a comic who works for Mencia; during the introduction, he referred to Mencia as "Menstealia."

Mencia was in the audience. He didn't like that.

You can see Rogan's side of it, as well as video from their verbal confrontation, on Rogan's blog.

After that, there was a flurry of activity, including:And so it goes.

Now, personally, I don't have a dog in this hunt. I've never seen Rogan's standup (liked him okay on NewsRadio, think he's annoying on UFC); I've watched Mind of Mencia once or twice and don't care for most of his stuff.

However, I can compare their Web sites, and how they use social media (like blogs, boards and profiles):
Web Sites:
CarlosMencia.com vs. JoeRogan.net

Both sites are professionally designed and fairly robust, with the standard sections you would expect from a comedian's site: tour dates, bios, etc.

Rogan's site has an annoying splash page, plus a Flash header that uses sound effects and has embedded music that doesn't stay turned off when you move around the site.

However, digging a little deeper, the Mencia forums are dead, while the Rogan forums are hopping. Also, Mencia's site doesn't even acknowledge the controversy (until you get into the forums) -- it seems unlikely that he's trying to take the high road (did you listen to the radio clip above?), so why the silence -- isn't any publicity good publicity?

Winner: Rogan

No contest here. Rogan's blog is pretty much the main page of his site (once you get past the annoying splash page), and you get the feeling that it's really him at the keyboard, swearing. Posting frequency had been about monthly, though he's increased his posting due to recent events.

He doesn't take comments, though he acknowledges people who have mailed him.

Mencia, on the other hand, doesn't even appear to have a blog. In fact, when you search on Carlos Mencia blog, the second result is... Joe Rogan's blog:

AOL Search Results for Carlos Mencia Blog

Winner: Rogan (by forfeit)

MySpace Profiles:
CarlosMencia vs. erm, TalkingMonkey

This one is tough for me to judge, since I have an equally low opinion of most MySpace pages.

Numerically, Mencia has a clear advantage, with 279,448 friends and 73,610 comments (dominating Rogan's 159,638 friends and 35,665 comments), but once you get past a certain point, I don't think the numbers of friends and comments really means much.

Rogan's MySpace blog content is the same as on his JoeRogan.net site.

Winner: Mencia (split decision)

Overall Winner: Rogan

I think Rogan is definitely more prolific and has a bigger presence in the online world (he also has a reality show/videoblog/podcast something-or-other), though this isn't necessarily a good thing, since it exposes other sides of you.

For example, in reading one of the discussion threads about him, we see that Rogan is a Moon landing skeptic.

That's right, Rogan doesn't believe men landed on the Moon.

I realize that it's attacking the man, and it doesn't have anything to do with stealing jokes, but come on: He thinks the moon landings were faked.

Phil Plait, of the great Bad Astronomy [clean link] Web site, blogged about debating Rogan about this [clean link] on Penn Jillette's radio show [also clean -- it's terrestrial radio, after all] -- you can listen to the broadcast here [mp3 file].

So, overall, I don't particularly care who's stealing jokes from whom, though I do think that Joe Rogan is making pretty good use of blogs and the social media space.

How about you -- whose side are you on, Joe Rogan's or Carlos Mencia's? Leave a comment below and let us know.

Also feel free to weigh in on the moon landing thing. Moon-landing denial wackjobs welcome, too.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't even know who either of them were if there weren't men in  my house.  ;o)  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

well i like both of them so..much ado about nothing. mencia is great at laying
waste to racial stereotypes. rogan is kinda like the cool buddy who really knows how to bust balls. both are funny.

i bet joe gets more tail..than a toilet seat, from  fear factor females.
 you can just see the grin on his face when hot babe's on the show flirt etc.
jesus, what a great gig.

 maybe thats why carlos seems angry..  like most guys, he see's joe and thinks
 " damnnnnnn , i wanna host a show... like that"

                                                                                             jack, R.I.

Anonymous said...

I have always kind of liked Joe Rogan for some odd reason.  The other guy I haven't heard of.  
I haven't read the links but just from what you have written here I say Joe Rogan has a point.  You really shouldn't steal jokes ("borrow" and say they are borrowed is another can of worms)


Anonymous said...

i have worked with both... as a producer.  

carlos is a nice guy. joe isn't.

I THINK carlos is a nice guy. joe isn't.

I THINK carlos has something to say... social issues and such. Joe doesn't, or maybe he does. That's a hard call (re: faked moon landing).

Carlos Mencia's real name is Ned Los. Joe Rogan's name is .... joe rogan.  

I sat with Morty on a saturday... and watched Carlos's opening mono... and realized
that i was hearing echos of bill cosby's "why is there air"... and when i mentioned it,
everyone seemed to know where i was going. With Joe... well.. he was a dick about material. A real dick.. so it comes in handy in a time like that, when there is a question about the integrity of the material. Joe will just flat out say... "i'm not doing it... its not funny/or.. its someone else's material"  And.. he would never steal ... even a "mic trick"... unless, and i'm guessing here... he paid for it.

i got along very well with joe, because he doesn't like producers who kiss his butt. and I respect his integrity in regards to material. And even though he was not that much fun to work with... he is a hard core professional. that is just too hard to find to not do it again (next time with a REAL head writer)

i would work with carlos again too (maybe not after this posting)... but for the same reason he works himself to the bone (even if it might be someone else's materail)... for the money.

so... we are keeping score here... ?  if so... that's an easy call... it's joe rogan. sorry carlos... but ... it is what it is.


p.s.  ever see the last comic standing footage of when buddy hacket dressed joe down?  rogan was so professional ... and handled it as well as ANYONE could ever deal with a tricky situation like that. that told me all i needed to know about rogan right there.

Anonymous said...

carlos mencia is a joke stealer. joe rogan sometimes is a nut. stealing is worse than being a nut.   winner joe rogan

Anonymous said...

I've been a huge fan of Joe Rogan (his comedy, his tv personality and mostly his insights into this crazy world we live in) for years, and this "incident" just increased the respect I already have for him.

I think it's hugely apparent who is in the wrong here. Joe presented valid points and factual evidence whereas Carlos resorted to name calling. Now, since I'm really nice, I'd say that maybe Carlos just wasn't comfortable enough in a "surprise" confrontational situation, especially in front of a crowd -- clearly filled with Rogan fans. BUT then, after the fact, he goes on the radio and his response is immature at best. I kinda feel sorry for him seeing as he can't possibly have much respect for himself.

As far as Joe's disbelief in moon landings -- I love it! I think it's our duty as intelligent human beings to question ideas/"facts" etc. And Joe loves to bring up conspiracy theories on his board. It's highly entertaining. I can't say I buy into all of it but I do enjoy discovering others' viewpoints and dissecting issues that I previously may have just accepted at face value.

Winner: Joe. And his fans. And anyone that believes in standing up for the truth.

Anonymous said...

This is a horrible matchup. Carlos vs. my retarded nephew or any Melwood prisoner = Carlos loses.

He's a puppet (Ned). As for the Myspace battle...Joe wins that hands down.
Reason? Look at the comments on Neds page. 95% of his fans can't read or write.
The only reason they like Ned is his retard impression because they relate.

So...unfair matchup.


Anonymous said...

Joe all the way... although the fact that he doesn't believe in the lunar landing proves he is a might crazy!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Jack -- with a steady Comedy Central gig and the occasional HBO special, somehow, I don't think Mencia is hurting in the tail department.

Twistdcherry -- skepticism and openmindedness are great; however, when the question is answered over and over again, and the contrarians refuse to accept facts that are contrary to their worldview, it becomes more about faith than facts.

J.A. -- sounds like you have some great stories. Do you blog anywhere? Any feelings whether blogging about your work could help or hurt your career?

Thanks for the great comments, everyone. -- Joe

Anonymous said...

I think Rogan is making a little bit too big of a deal about it. Jokes can’t really belong to a certain person, because everyone says them. Kind of like with magic tricks. One person will come up with it, but then millions of people will use it. Plus, comedy shouldn’t be about who came up with the joke, it should be about making people laugh, and if someone takes a joke to make other people laugh, it should almost be considered a compliment.

P.S. Rogan isn’t funny

Anonymous said...

I'm on Rogan's side because he may not be as famous as Carlos, but he is the better person because he doesn't steal other people's material