Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Heading Off to the We Media Conference

Speaking of citizen media, I'm off to a conference to talk about citizen and social media and other stuff; it's the We Media Conference. (You might recall, I went to the 2005 conference in New York.)

Last year's was in London (I didn't go), but now I'm heading off to Miami.

The wisdom of the conference organizers to hold the meeting in Miami in February cannot be denied, though the presence of an arctic cold snap in the Northeast and Midwest is probably only a coincidence. But seeing the inch of snow we got last night, it looks like genius to me:

Actually, besides the non-frozen climate, the John S. & James L. Knight Foundation is in Miami (the Knights of Knight Ridder publishing), which is a pretty good reason.

This will be my first truly commercial flight since the liquid terror rules went into effect, so I'm hoping I got everything correct, and none of my precious fluids will get confiscated.

I will try to blog interesting and/or relevant items from the conference.

Thanks -- Joe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man...  How do I get in on that?  I could use a few days near a beach.  Do you need an assistant Joe?  
