Thursday, February 22, 2007

Check Out My Living Slush Pile

Hi folks -- as I've been threatening for some time, I finally created a new account on social bookmarking site, to house links that I may or may not get around to blogging about: See JoeLoong's bookmarks on

Why use Well, if I store links in a text file sitting on my computer, it's not doing anyone any good. This way, by checking my bookmarks, you can see what I'm working on (if you use a feedreader, you can even subscribe to its RSS feed).

Also, I figured that since we added the "Add to" links to the footers of each Journals entry, this would be a good example of what you could use it for.

If you didn't know, was bought by Yahoo! a while back. We don't have a deal with them or anything, it's just a good tool that lots of bloggers and Web users find handy. I also like Google Documents & Spreadsheets, but it's not the right tool in this instance.

Right now, I'm just using this for my slush pile, though I'm also tagging all my slush pile items with the tag slushpile in case I decide later I want to create other categories.

If you look through what's in my slush pile right now, you'll see:

* The AOL News guys have a new News Bloggers blog, featuring some high-powered news & political names like the righty author Dinesh D'Souza, the conservative Power Line trio, lefty radio network Air America's Young Turks, author Ben Greenman (not sure where he stands on things) and former Daily Show correspondent Mo Rocca (the MetaFilter article where I read about the new blog -- I knew it was coming, I just didn't know when -- focused on Mo Rocca)

* Looking through the latest results of the Monday Photo Shoot: Photos From High Places, I see a bunch of remarkably good entries. I try to link to a few from the AOL Blogs main page, but I don't have a lot of room or enough time to really give them their due. (Remember, using the tag Monday Photo Shoot helps other people find what you've contributed.)

* Lastly, there was an article last week about how banning smoking at work can be a security risk (after a smoke break, a miscreant could sneak in to the building with the other degenerates)

And so it goes.

Let me know if you find the idea of sharing my slushpile useful.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

A News Fanhouse!

Anonymous said...

I was going over D'Souza's blog, and it's really just a heck of a lot of myopic cheerleading for Bush and the war in Iraq.  I'd say it's interesting, but it's just typical, right-wing, Liberal-bashing silliness.  If anything, I'd say he's just a more timid version of Ann Coulter.    


Anonymous said...
