Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Someone Take That Damn Spoon Away From Stephanie

Hi folks -- now, I don't know if Journals Product Manager Stephanie had a spoon under her pillow, but it's snowing again today. Not a lot, of course: just about an inch right now:

Remarkably for around here, they didn't close the schools (though they're probably going to let out early).

Me, I decided to work from home today, so that's my backyard in the photo.

Why stay at home, considering I usually make fun of how the DC area deals with the tiniest bit of snow? We're expecting things to turn into freezing rain and ice over later this afternoon. Drivers around here... well, they kind of turn into morons whenever we get any snow or ice, and I can do pretty much everything I need to do remotely, as long as I have a secure connection to the office network. So there you go.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

joe didn't mention what kind of spoon it was... :D

It works very well, apparently. I need to take a picture of the view from my window, although we don't have nearly as much snow.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful...enjoy the warmth of your walls :D

Anonymous said...

Very pretty, A lot different from the palm tree picture LOL. Helen

Anonymous said...

I want that spoon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's a flurry, Joe. If you can still see grass, it doesn't count.