Thursday, December 8, 2005

Watch What You Say! (Again)

Hi folks -- seeing as how we've gone several whole weeks without
a story about how putting the wrong kind of information on your blog
can get you in trouble, here are two news stories to remind us:

* The Wall Street Journal has an article reminding us that it can be iffy putting 'Too Much Information' on Facebook (the outrageously popular college-oriented community site).

"Too much info" can include photos of recreational drug use, underaged drinking and detailed schedules of your precise location (the better to stalk you with). The article is specific to Facebook, but it also serves as a general reminder to the rest of us.

* I found this next story on Blog Herald (which is running really slow right now); it's a different angle on the perils of college blogging and comes from the Marquette University School of Dentistry, as detailed in this news article from the Marquette Tribune.

It tells of a second-year dental student who was suspended for blogging -- not for drink, drugs or sex, but for slagging
professors and fellow students in his personal blog (which is gone,
though you can get another perspective on these and other issues from
the blog of MU PoliSci prof. John McAdams.)

since Marquette is private, the school can do this -- the grounds are
violation of the code of conduct for harassment. Whether they should do
it, of course, is a completely 'nother matter.

Thanks -- Joe 


Anonymous said...

Potty language is very bad & it will be stopped. I wonder if Tipper Gore is placing the so-called "Parental Advisory, Explicit Lyrics" on AOL, but free speech is like a "first class" amendment. I just hope that a clean blog is perfectly legal & giving out the right information is okay, but blogging bad words is defently a no-no so do not put out any bad information on this screen. Your AOL user who keeps it clean.


Anonymous said...

sounds like  movie pick Old School

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Joe. One fo the key rules I live by, never tell them (meaning everyone who reads your journals) everything, it will catch up with you later. On top of that, there are a lot of weirdos (predators, stalkers & more) who are looking for prey, it's sad........

Have a great day!  >:0)~

Anonymous said...

I try to be careful what kind of personal information I give. I think it's pretty bad to suspend someone from college for expressing their own personal opinions. However, if he was making false accusations...that would misrepresent the school. I think most people are intelligent enough to know the difference between an opionion and fact.
I recently discovered that, when you blog... a comment can be disected and taken out of context in a thread. I call it becoming "threadbare!" I learned real quick that your own words can be taken out of context and used against you. Some people just don't care about maintaining integrity in their writing. That's a real concern I have, it encourages me to ...Watch what I say.
