Sunday, December 11, 2005

How To: Get More Readers

Hi everyone,

So, as I blogged earlier, one of the more frequent questions I get is "How do I get more people to read my blog?"

I know, we all blog for ourselves, not for other people. But then again
(to butcher a metaphor), if a tree blogs in a forest and no one is
there to read it, does it make a sound?

Blog Herald recently linked to's 11 Techniques to Increase Page Views on Your Blog.

11 tips are geared to professional bloggers (or folks with inclinations
that way), and a bunch of them are geared to specific features
available to advanced blogging platforms like (WordPress), but it's still an interesting read -- some takeaways for regular folks include Serializing Content, Making Things Interactive, and Highlighting Key Posts. Check it out.

Here are some of my own tips:

* Pick the Low-Hanging Fruit:
This is corporate-speak that means "Go for the easy wins first." Share
your blog's address with the people who already know you. They're the
people who are most likely to be interested in what's going on in your

* Self-Promote Yourself (but only where appropriate):
Put your blog's address in your mail signature, profiles, IM away
message, message board posting signature -- anywhere that you tell
people about yourself.

* Participate in Other People's Blogs:
Blogging is all about participation. If you read someone else's blog,
leave a meaningful comment and include a link back to your blog -- if
people like your comment, they might follow the link back to your blog.
Just don't spam.

* Update Frequently (or at least consistently):
The more you update, the more there is for people to come to. And, no,
you can't cheat by posting filler -- what you post should be
interesting or useful... this creates value in the mind of the visitor.

* Be Self-Referential:
If you talk about something you posted about previously, throw in a
hyperlink to it. This exposes readers to stuff that deeper in your
archives that they might otherwise have missed.

* Give and Receive:
Don't be afraid to link out from your entries. A lot of Web sites are
reluctant to link out to other Web sites, because they're afraid that
if they send people away, they won't come back. This is wrong, on so
many levels.

For starters, if you mention something in your
blog but don't link out to it, it's considered rude (or at the very
least, it's seen as very lazy.)

Plus, one of the best ways to
get repeat visitors is to be useful, or otherwise valuable. Talking
about something you saw on the Web, but then not letting people take a
look for themselves so they can form their own opinion and find other
viewpoints, is not particularly useful.

* Don't Be Difficult:
Don't make it hard for people to read your blog. Be careful with
eye-bleeding font colors, background images and colors, and try to use
proper spelling and grammar -- I know a lot of you type in IM-speak,
but this can turn off people, just like typing iN l33t sP34K, oR tHaT
rAnDOm CaPiTAliZaTiON tHiNg wHicH I cAn'T dO vErY weLl.

At the very least, use paragraph breaks to break up big blocks of text. Big blocks of text are hard to read -- put things in easy-to-digest chunks.

* Don't Shut Out Other Browsers: This is a little more technical and I will have to a separate entry later just about this. I know a lot of you are using style tags to insert background images
in your entries, which is fine. However, please be aware that when you
do this, danger lurks: Just because it looks good in your browser
(which is probably Microsoft Internet Explorer [MSIE] -- the AOL client
browser is a  version of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser)
doesn't mean it's going to display properly in other, non-MSIE

MSIE is still the dominant browser out there, but Firefox is getting more popular. And when style tags go bad, they can go bad badly, to the point of illegibility.

for browser compatibility can be a pain (especially when dealing with
multiple platforms -- Mac/PC/Linux), but sometimes all you have to do
is ask a friend to take a look at your blog.

Ultimately, you
might just decide to worry about viewers using MSIE browsers, and
that's fine -- just know that browser compatibility issues lurk out there.

Finally, when it comes down to it, here's a good rule of thumb:
Think about the blogs that you like to read and that you revisit on a
regular basis -- then think about what it is about those blogs that
keeps you coming back.

If you have other tips for drawing in visitors, feel free to share in the comments.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

#1..Don't lose alerts because people have moved elsewhere due to Ads on AOL!

Anonymous said...

I tend to write for my family and friends first and foremost; they're the ones I feel I am addressing, and trying to interest.  Evidently that works well; I'm amazed at the number of readers I have picked up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Try going back to the main menu, I hope... Why Firefox or Google? Do it really help? I would suggest it.


Anonymous said...

If you have a list of specific blogs from across many different blog providers you want to keep track of, the best way is probably to use an RSS reader -- if you use something like you can also share your lists of favorites. -- Joe

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joe for that great info, it is really appreciated! As usual, I hope your staying warm.......Have a great day!

PS. I was one of those people who orginally left my AOL journal. But, I came back, because I really missed my journal alot! I have now created more specific journals for my purpose and it actually works out better!

New ->

Merry Christmas! >;0)~

Anonymous said...

Having problems, for weeks actually, my entry alerts aren't going out and when someone comes across my entries and leaves a comment, I get 2 emails for the same comment.
Also noticed I can't do single spacing in my jounal, for laying out poems etc. Any ideas please?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joe.

Anonymous said...

G'morning, Joe --

A couple of us decided to create a very simple web ring (see previous post below)to promote new and former J-Land bloggers who may not yet be savvy in adding RSS feeds or maintaining bloglines .... There were no ulterior motives, no self-promotions involved -- just three basic links to "join" "list" and select random sites.  The invitation was posted on the journals message board.

There was nothing rude, masked, anti-AOL or disruptive in the post.  It did not reference a competing service provide by AOL.

This morning -- the post has been pulled.  Fine.  Sobeit.  No problem.

Meanwhile, folks all over the service have been TOSing those Rolex ads for weeks.  Nothing happens.  Posts containing open and masked profanities and insults to AOL remain on the AOL-managed boards for over a month.

Am I the only one feeling that the tail is wagging the dog?

Oh yeah -- Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Gullspirit -- I asked the appropriate people to take a look at your Webring post on the  board; it should be visible again -- I think someone might have mistaken it for spam.

Also, re: the watch spam posts: they are being hidden; there is a lot of it, though.

Thanks -- Joe

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hate to keep repeating myself (pun intended) but two of same comments still! Oh help help help.

Anonymous said...

Hi -- I forwarded your comment to the Alerts team for investigation -- I will let you know what they find out. I know this has been going on for a while for you...sorry about that.

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)

Anonymous said...


 most anything in life can be related in one way or another. when it comes to feelings. finding a way to touch someones emotion through words will grip the very nerve ending of thought. provided that person reading the blog knows the difference between sorrow and compassion, or love and selfishness.
 through my experiences in life and almost becoming the man i would have been,
if,i hadn't drown at age six. i can sincerely say without a doubt. the two greatest
gifts a person can have in this life, their imagination and the ability to laugh from
joy and cry from sorrow. for these two things were not their with my children, but,
they are there with my grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

I Am having alot of trouble getting Comments.How do I get atleast 1?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice...I was beginning to feel dazed and confused by the blogging world. I started my public journal ( Next) yesterday and I've received visitor's, but no one blogged. Actually, I received the most help when I clicked on "Blog" about it to leave a comment and discovered...That isn't how you comment! Now I need to know how to put a comments section on my public journal. You won't have to tell me twice:)

Anonymous said...

It's me again. I tried to follow your advice in my last comment and messed up ;) So, here goes... hope you don't mind.

Anonymous said...

Hi AOL journalseditor:
Thank you for the great tips.  I will use at least two of the tips.  I am really new at this blogging and am always happy to read more about it.

Thanks--Happy2Shine Landscape Designer

Anonymous said...

thanx 4 the great tips, they really work!

Anonymous said...

Yes. but how do you know for sure, that it isn't being read, are you meteforically inclined or is this a special skill, that you possess? (lol!)

Actually, I wanted to know why you can't add html entries, because apparently, I somehow missed that explaination...

Anonymous said...

THx mAN ThiS Was VerY HElPFUll.

Anonymous said...

Punkin578ssn - presumably, people are not seeing very many hits if they're using a hit counter or aren't getting any comments (so be nice, leave comments in someone's blog, even if it's just to say "hi").

Regarding HTML -- you can use HTML, just not the full set -- no javascript or tables, for instance. I or one of the other Journals folks will be writing about it in the near future.

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)

Anonymous said...

well maybe if you dident write so long of blogerys then maybe people would read them.

Anonymous said...

thanks, there are several tips here that I'll try to use.  I'm brand new at this, want to learn how to use it so that I can integrate it in the classroom

Anonymous said...

Sooooo...if I leave a comment here, they will come: (wunzuponatime).
Testing, testing....1,2,3....

Anonymous said...

Well, no guarantees, of course. -- Joe

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just read "Magic Smoke" for the first time and came away with many good ideas.  Not that I didn't want to use them, but I didn't know about them.  I started my first blog over a year ago and when the 'count' hit one thousand I deleted the counter, because what was the point?  My blog, however, is sensitive.  People will not make public comments, but instead I receive an awful lot of email.  And that's good too.  Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips. There are a few I will put to use straight away.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the ideas, being away from the blogging community for about a year, it's great to catch up from time to time.

Taking a second stab at it: