Friday, December 30, 2005

My Blog Resolutions

Hi folks: This here entry is somewhat in response to blogger John's New Year's Resolution Weekend Assignment, though it's going to cover a few items I was going to address anyway.

I'm not going to bore you with my non-blogging resolutions (there's nothing out of the ordinary: I set the bar for my personal resolutions pretty low), but here are a few items that relate to what you're going to see here and in other Journals programming areas that I run (like the AOL Journals main page):

* Post More Frequently: Now that Journals Product Manager Susan has her own blog, she's available to take your reports of problems with AOL Journals and AIM Blogs, as well as your product-related feedback. This frees me up somewhat to do more content updates, which I intend to do. As I've said before, I blog at a more deliberative pace, though I will try to mix it up with short, quick posts, too.

* Look Inward and Outward: There are at least two things I'm trying to do with this Magic Smoke blog -- highlight things going on out in the big ole Sphere o' Blogs that are of interest to all of us as bloggers, and to talk about things going on in the AOL Journals space. I will continue to do both of these things, and hopefully do more of it.

* Develop New Blog Programming: There's a bunch more features that I have ideas for, both for specials and regularly scheduled programming. I also know that there are plenty of ideas for blog programming that you folks have, as well.

I'm going to get to more of them in 2006 -- some of them will rely on you all as my eyes and ears to highlight interesting stuff that's going on in both J-Land and the blogosphere-at-large, so even though I'm going to be doing more posting, I'm hoping that a lot of it is going to feature things that you're talking about.

It's an exciting time to be doing blog stuff right now (even if you don't buy into all the utopian blog hype, as I don't), so I'm glad I can be a part of it, and I'm going to try to do a better job of it in 2006.

Thanks. -- Joe


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Or, be like me:  resolve to make no resolutions whatsoever.

Happy New Year, Joe.

~~ jennifer

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe, thanks for stopping by my journal!  Hope to see you again soon!  Linda

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe! Yo're ambitious!:):)
hugs, nat

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!
Great list of resolutions. All the best in 2006!

Anonymous said...

I resolve to stop cringing and wanting to puke every time I see that eff'n banner ad at the top of my blog... oops, broke that resolution already.

Anonymous said...

Here's to 2006! I look forward to seeing some of your blog resolutions materializing!! How exciting!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to You and the Journals Community!_rRose

Anonymous said...

I thought you all were already reminded that "JLand" was a group of people, and the term coined by them, not AOL.  JLand, for the most part has left AOL.  Why do you still use the term that you do not have any claim to?

AOL wants to pretend that the carnage in the journaling community and the mass exodus of most of the serious writers due to AOL's abuse of their customers never happened.

I find it offensive when you continue to use the term JLand.  You are not JLand.
