Friday, December 2, 2005

Character Fix Install a Success

Hi both Journals Product Manager Susan and Tech Project
Manager Yoel
report, the character set fix was installed successfully
this morning.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,

I've been looking for some live help to build my web page.
I haven't fount it.
Easy desinger sucks, it really does. I've tried to upload
my pictures and saved and resaved as web page gif  jpeg whatever it doesn't take. I dont like the other 123 web page thing the set up isnt appealing.
I was hoping to build a web page on my own but I'm new at this and it's become frustrating
I hope you can help me out..

Anonymous said...

Yes, it works.  I can spell the name of my journal correctly again.

I wish I were happy about it, but I'm just weary at this point.  But it does help a little.  

Also, for some reason, I was unable to cut text in the IE window while fixing my sidebar and doing a text entry.  The whole thing was glitchy.  I did get stuff fixed, finally, but it was a pain to do.

I need to go look at lemurs for a while.


Anonymous said...


I can't really offer much help on 1-2-3 Publish & Easy Designer, which are the tools you can use to build a non-blog Web page -- my specialty is blogging, which is a particular type of blog (which you see here).

If you're looking for help with building a Web page, you might try the Easy Designer Message Board:

On the other hand, if you're interested in starting a blog, it's pretty easy -- all you have to do is go to and click the "Create" button.

Just follow the step-by-step instructions -- give your Journal a name and a description, then add your first entry -- you can always go back and edit what you wrote.

Hope this helps.

(Posted & Mailed)

Anonymous said...

At last it works again, no more having to correct everything you've just written!

Nothing like a bit of drama.....

Anonymous said...

Oh, so something was fixed that previously worked before it was broken?

Hope no one dislocated their shoulders patting themselves on the back over this.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joseph,
HI! Thanks! :):):):)
jumping your way...bye!
hugs, nat