Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Journals R6 Release Successfully Installed

Hi, folks -- the Journals R6 Release was successfully launched this morning during the install window (4-6AM ET).

The install went pretty smoothly (or so they tell me -- I was asleep), though there are still some problems, including open issues with adding photos from Hometown and AOL Pictures/YGP for UK users.

The tech folks are working on this one -- in the meantime, you can still add photos via the Web-based File Manager (here's my step-by-step instructions on adding photos with File Manager).

If you encounter any problems with Journals, please let me know in the comments and I'll make sure the tech folks see your reports.

I previously wrote about the features in R6; in summary:

* The most visible change for US users is the new AOL Journals header with the integrated Journals Search box.

It works pretty well, though over at blogger John's By The Way..., Journaler Teeisme57 notes that the search results also pick up keywords from the titles of the Journal entries that show up in the right sidebar navigation.

Also in the comments, Journaler Deslily isn't keen on the extra vertical space added by the integrated Search box. Maybe in a future release we can make the Search box  appear/disappear using Ajax or something.

On an FYI, I will note that "Search This Journal" won't return anything on a Private Journal, which is a feature (or at least works as designed), not a flaw (since the content of your Private Journals is not spidered by the search crawler).

* You can now use HTML Table Tags in your entry (though AOLer Josephmaaz is evidently not a fan of this practice [scroll to the comments]) -- using tables to force specific layouts is kind of a hack -- it's one those silly things we users do to make things look pretty, instead of paying attention to official specifications and definitions.

He also has some other suggestions for Journals in his comments, which are quite long.

* The HTML Whitelist has been updated (a whitelist is an "allowed" list, versus a blacklist, which is a "disallowed" list); AOL Journals is now allowing the use of Javascript to enable certain specific features by third-party providers (you and AOL are the first two parties -- a third party is someone else).

In order to use these third-party features, you will need to visit their sites, read their documentation, register (if needed), then snag the bit of Javascript they give you and include it in your entry or All About Me area (it depends on what you're trying to do).

I will need to try all these out myself in my blog and do a more detailed post about this (though you'll still need to do your research), but for right now, the features you can use include:
  • BlogMap
  • Del.icio.us Tag Cloud & Linkroll
  • StatCounter
  • SiteMeter
  • Tailrank
  • Technorati Embed
We're trying to get a sampling of the key functionalities that people are interested in; the whitelist should be expanded with each release.

In addition to the Javascript side of the whitelist, we've also added to the list of sites you can include in an IFRAME; the current list is:
  • Flickr
  • Gabbly
  • Technorati Favorites
IFRAMEs are kind of an advanced HTML, so if you don't know what all this means, don't worry about it. With this and the Javascript stuff, the team is working on ways to make it easier integrating content from other sites into your Journal.

* Tagging Beta: The tagging beta test now works for Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers, so please play around with it. Here's my entry where I explain about how to use the tagging test.

* International Journals Status: As noted, banner ads have been added to the tops of AOL Canada and Mexico Journals, though this is still being looked at.

Also, International Journals have finally gotten the Alerts length fix -- a while back, it was determined that AOL Journals was sending too much information to the AOL Alerts system for new entry and new comment alerts.

If the length of your entry or comment was over Alerts's limit, the Alert would break in nasty ways (either failing to deliver orgoing to the wrong template).

With the Alerts length fix, delivery of new entry and new comment alerts should be much better.

In terms of features, International Journals are still behind US Journals; International Journalers will have gotten the updates to the HTML whitelist and table tags, but that's pretty much it from this release.

I still need to get the status of a few things (including the Moblogging beta), and I'll be updating the layout of the  Journals main page later today, but I wanted to get this post out now.

As noted, please leave comments with problem reports, whitelist suggestions and other feedback.

Thanks -- Joe
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Anonymous said...

ACK! Is everyone's blog getting oversized? The header's are OK, but the everything else has to be scrolled right and left to read. I'm using AOL's browser, anyone else see what I see?

Anonymous said...

Joe, why is there header/description text above the ad on my journal ... looks silly and serves no useful purpose the same text is repeated below the ad and under the Journal title???                  JCC55883

Anonymous said...

Teresa -- I looked at your Journal in a few different browsers and it looks normal width -- did you change anything? If not, try clearing your cache and refreshing the page.

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)

Anonymous said...

James -- the duplicate descriptor text showing up above the ad is evidently a glitch of some sort; I'm forwarding these to the tech team as I get them.

Thanks -- Joe (posted & mailed)

Anonymous said...

Joe and James,
  I suspect the journals search bar is taking up space that was previously available to journals descriptions. There may be less space available for descriptions now, and those journals with long descriptions are showing a glitch. Just an uneducated guess on my part.

  For my part, the only real problem I see is the fact that I get no edit controls when I try to look at the beta version of my blog. Let me know if you find any thing out about that, will ya?

Anonymous said...

I normally access my journal through IE 6.0. At the moment, I am forced to log-in to YGP, which crashes into an error, closing the window. A retry brings up the journal alright, but I am unable to sign on to make a new entry. Anyway, I assume this is all related to the on-going YGP situation...


Anonymous said...

Joe, I tried to use an iframe code from Gabbly and when saving the entry the code was stripped and the iframe didn't show up. Just thought you'd like to know.

Anonymous said...

I would still love to see pages of entries.  Like you have the most recent entries on the main page of your journal.  If you want to read anything older you have to read them one by one.  Wouldn't be cool to be able to pull 10 entries up at a time like your main page?
