Friday, June 9, 2006

Blog Six-Pack Picks, 2.10

So, here's our last installment from the second edition of my Blog Six-Pack Picks,  where I asked all you bloggers to pick six blogs or Journals on any theme, or no theme at all.

Here, you can see the previously featured Six-Pack Picks: 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7 | 2.8 | 2.9

Check out all our Six-Packers's blogs for full descriptions, bonus picks and more, and please comment in the blogs (pickers and pickees) that you enjoy.

Our Six-Packer today is Princesssaurora, over at Carpe Diem, picking a Six-Pack of blogs that inspire her:
  1. LUANNE'S LIFE LIVING WITH LUPUS - "Lu is a good friend who is really struggling with her disease as of late.  Please pop in and give her a hello!"
  2. Imaginary Ramblings - "Susan is an army wife and she also suffers with Lupus.  She was awol for a while, but now she is back!!!  YaY!"
  3. Karyl's Glimpses of Eternity --  Lupus and Life - "Karyl has the darn Lupus too, but is full of verve!  She has this amazing porch garden that she does each spring and into the summer... please, go check her out and beg for pictures, like I do!"
  4. She Said WHAT? -    "Andi just had surgery on her back.  Again.  And she has a bunch of medical problems but the most amazing sense of humor and love for life!"
  5. Sometimes I Think - "Krissy and her husband John are going through a scary health crisis right now.  John is battling MDS, a bone marrow cancer.  Yet, they both have a positive attitude, amazing faith and let us share in the love that surrounds their lives and marriage."
  6. DUST BUNNY CLUB OF NORTH AMERICA - "...Dorn's main blog, however, check out her list on the side bar.  She has her own photo blog, her hubby has a photo blog and a link to movies that she makes!  And, the link to one of the most inspiring blogs around, LETTERS TO GABE."
So, that's it for this round of Six-Pack Picks. I will start planning for another round sometime in June. Maybe July. One of those "J" months. One of the hot ones.

If you've got any suggestions on how to make the Six-Pack Picks better, please let me know via comments or e-mail.

(For example, the tagging beta should be in full-swing for all Journalers by the time the next Six-Pack Picks rolls around, so maybe all you would have to do is stick a special tag on your Six-Pack pick entries, then I could link to that tag search and plug that into a feed module on the main page -- no muss, no fuss, and it would get the Picks to you a lot faster than doing them by hand. Just a thought.)

Many thanks to all our Six-Packers for participating in this round.

Thanks -- Joe



Anonymous said...

Does that mean the same as "Taggin'" as we say it in the South?  


Anonymous said...

You are a good journals editor. Joe. lavindergr

Anonymous said...

Oh cool!!!  There are mine!  Thanks!

be well,