Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Blog Six-Pack Picks, 2.8

So here's our next batch of Blog Six-Pack Picks, where you, the blogger, get to highlight any six blogs or Journals that you want. You ca see the other featured Six-Pack Picks here: 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7

Our first Six-Packer today is Capecoddersbl over at Two-Minute Warning, which is a group blog headed by a certain smurf-like Stacey:

(On an editor's note, some of her picks reference events that were pending, but have now passed [like Barry Bonds surpassing Babe Ruth's home run record].

I really do need to find a more efficient way to feature Six-Packs.)
  1. SPORTZ ASSASSIN'S SPORTS JOURNAL - "...we were in pretty early on the blog train, although I'm fairly sure that Premature Jock-ularity has us both beat... If sports blogging were the A Team, he'd be either Hannibal or B.A. Baracus."
  2. Remembering Oldie's Moldies - "...Anyone know who had the career homerun record before Ruth? Leave a comment, and maybe win a cool prize! As for Bonds, check out Mobetta Space: Why Hate on Barry?"
  3. Many Go; Few Understand - "I love Many Go; Few Understand because he gets downright angry at times. Check out his evisceration of Pittsburgh writer Bob Smizik, whose name alone suggests that he's probably taken enough ship."
  4. SavedByTheBlog.com - "Psychologists downplay curses, but note that if the cursed one believes in the curse... he'll suffer from it. Let's see how NCAA 2007's cover boy does, as at least one blogger believes Bush Is Already Jinxed by EA."
  5. Yannis' Sports Journal - "...no doubt is still pissed that I make Kobe Bryant jokes. Fortunately, team player Kwame Brown has stepped up to assure us that Kobe will no longer be the world's tallest accused Laker rapist."
  6. ESPN Nut's Sports Blog - "If you like pre-teen blogging, check out ESPN Nut's Sports Blog...  He also had the grapefruits to step up and defend AOL Sports when ... well, see below..."   
(See Two Minute Warning for more info about the little sports blogging spat referenced above.)

Next, Lurkynat over at Interface gives us a Six-Pack of "Blogs That Make Anyone Happy":
  1. From Here to There... - "Penny could make a polar bear feel warm and a starving kid feel happy! (And I think she does all of the time! lol)"
  2. High Above Courtside - "Smurfette combines talents as a super sportswriter with humor that will crack you up!"
  3. Sassys WORD - "Sassy has a sweet disposition and a wonderful photographic eye."
  4. Wanderer - "Bea has a wonderful sense of humor about life and she cares about everyone!"
  5. Life, as I see it! - "Angela has a very positive slant on life and she brings wonderful thoughts about life in your direction!"
  6. A LITTLE BIT OF SUGAR, PLEASE... - "Sugar has excellent graphics from talented artists whoare on her sidebar! She is smart, yes, she is also persevering beyond what people think is possible!"
Nat left a few links to other supplemental entries listing out blogs of interest, so stop by.

Got a few more Six-Packers to feature, but we should be done with this round ofpicks this week.

Thanks -- Joe



Anonymous said...

One of my rogue Smurfs may have implied that she knew people who would kill the "bad guy's" parents if he disparaged SBL.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Joe!
:):) Youare so awesome!
hugs natalie

Anonymous said...

Dear Joe,
Okay, I'm going to write in the better links! thanks so much!
Yours truly,nat

Anonymous said...

TY for featuring Nat's 6 pks, she's great & does a fantastic job.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Joe~thanks for featuring Nat's 6-pack. She is an active and caring J-Lander! Sassy ;-)
