Thursday, June 8, 2006

Blog Six-Pack Picks, 2.9

Hi all -- here's our next batch of Blog Six-Pack Picks, where I asked bloggers to pick six blogs or Journals on any theme at all (or no theme in particular). This is our ninth installment -- you can see the previous featured Six-Pack Picks here: 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7 | 2.8

As always, check out our Six-Packers's blogs for their full descriptions, bonus picks and more, and leave comments in the blogs that you enjoy.

Today's lead-off Six-Packer is Dornbrau over at Dust Bunny Club of North America, who's got a half-dozen photo-based favorites:
  1. PAPARRAZI BY PROXY - "My husband Steve (more commonly known as 'Dickidoo') has always had a good eye for photography and I finally got tired of his constant suggestions that I should shoot this or do that, and I handed him my camera with the suggestion that he take the picture his own darn self..."
  2. Retrospect USA - "Meet my older sister 'Redbird'.  She began her passion for photography several years ago with a 35mm SLR camera and recently evolved into the world of digital photography.  I love how she uses color and angles..."
  3. Anywhere Is.... - "This is a brand-spankin'-new find for me, and I instantly fell in love with the earthy talent of Shutterbug. When I first clicked on this link I was completely in awe, and the feeling remains with each new entry."
  4. Photo Trek - "Radar calls himselfa 'hobbyist photographer', but do not mistake that for being amateur.  There is nothing amateurish about this guy.  His pictures are fabulous!  Don't limit yourself to his journal, check out the links to his galleries.  You won't be disappointed."
  5. Involuntary Motion - "I have mentioned this journal before for its written words but would be amiss to neglect mentioning the breathtaking photography found within the entries.  His pictures reflect the simple yet beautiful lifestyle he has chosen to live."
  6. Sights and Sounds of My Life - "I have a video blog where I display my videos and slide shows... My embedded video links are working again so you can check out my video blog."
Next up is my pal, lucyvpelt (a.k.a. Susie) over at Felber's Frolics; in a bit of historical trivial, she's a New York comedian whom I'd met at a blog conference. (She wasn't actually at the blog conference -- we just happened to be in the same bar.)

Her theme is "Individuals with awesome blogs that if you don't know, well then I pity you."

In a bit of a content warning, some (okay, all) of her picks may contain strong language and/or adult situations, so you are warned:
  1. - "...Victor is camera phone ka-razy. But it's infectiously joyous. Or maybe it's just infectious. In any case, Victor has lots of online original shorts to check out and he's usually directing a big movie, acting in a big movie or writing a big movie..."
  2. The Girl Who Ate Everything - "This has long been my fave food blog, and it's based in NYC. Now, having reached the ripe old age of 20, Robyn has stepped up her entries to include MORE photos of MORE food and MORE good stuff..."
  3. Campzine - "Bob doesn't update his blog thing very often, and I'm not sure he expects anyone to find it, but it's funnnnnnnnny. Bob, incidentally has a kids book out soon from a real publisher that he designed and wrote..."
  4. My Big Life - "Actually, instead of trying to describe it, here's something I wrote to another site recently regarding my favorite comedian blog. 'She's been at it since 1996 long before you or I blogged. She calls them "hoaxes," and they are awesome..."
  5. You Can't Make It Up - "Always fresh, funny, photo heavy and very childish. I like it. You will too."
  6. Gaping Void - "Consistant, passionate, original cartoons and commentary. More focused on marketing theory these days, but I'm into it plus he's stepped up the cartoons to compensate. He's from the UK but lived in NYC long enought that he's got bi-pondal bite..."
On another note, Susie has two #4's, which caused me some confusion until I figured it out; go see her blog to see what I mean.

We've got one more batch of Six-Packs tomorrow; thanks for following along.

Thanks -- Joe


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly sure that Dorn was the first person to comment in my journal, so WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Go get em, girl...