Monday, June 19, 2006

Blogging for Business & Pleasure

Hi folks -- I'm still catching up on a bunch o' stuff from over the weekend, so here are two quick tidbits on blogging, one for business and one for pleasure:

* First, business (always business before pleasure, right?): Blog The Undersigned has a good summary piece on "Why Business Blogs Are Important."

As I've noted before, companies that blog have a separate set of considerations and challenges when it comes to blogging (as opposed to regular, individual bloggers), and this article lists out some of the reasons why blogging can be good for companies.

* Now, for pleasure (mine, mostly): Wired columnist Lore Sjöberg (whom I've blogged about before) wrote about "You and Your LiveJournal and You", which is list of Dos and Don'ts written by and for the stereotypical LiveJournal user. For example:
"Don't reject friends. Seriously, unless someone has killed someone you know, or said mean things about you personally, it's best to keep them on your friends list at all times. If you started discriminating, you might be known as the person with only 34 LiveJournal friends, and everyone will know the truth about you."
Of course, as anyone familiar with his other stories knows, this is all written as satire (or is it parody? I was never good with the definitions), though it's kind of funny to see the commenters to the article who don't quite get the sarcasm.

Also, though this article is written specifically at LiveJournalers (as with many stereotypes, there are bits that are kind of accurate, and others not so much, and there are always exceptions), there's a lot in the article that's pretty transferable to other blogging/social networking sites.

Thanks -- Joe

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