It's one easy way to keep tabs of what's going on in your favorite blogs, though it's primary purpose is to share your favorite blogs in a way that's a little more meaningful than a straight links list. I haven't created one yet, though I probably will, eventually.
The reason why Jamie is being featured is because Technorati has been highlighting the Favorites of a bunch of blog movers and shakers, so Jamie is swimming with some of the big fish in the big ole sphere o' blogs such as Wil Wheaton and Arianna Huffington:
You'll note that I've been talking about Technorati a bunch lately (like all the tagging and blog search stuff). This isn't a payola thing -- they're pretty authoritative in the blog space, as seen by their April State of the Blogosphere report, which was just posted to their blog today. I will just paste their summary bullet points:
* Technorati now tracks over 35.3 Million blogs
* The blogosphere is doubling in size every 6 months
* It is now over 60 times bigger than it was 3 years ago
* On average, a new weblog is created every second of every day
* 19.4 million bloggers (55%) are still posting 3 months after their blogs are created
* Technorati tracks about 1.2 Million new blog posts each day, about 50,000 per hour
They have some interesting graphs, too, so check it out and see how many new neighbors you have in the blogosphere.
The "how many blogs in the blogosphere?" question used to be an issue of some contention by those who care about such things, since invariably, someone would say, "Well, you didn't count the X million blogs over here" and there would be big, barely comprehensible arguments about methodologies and spam blogs and inactive blogs, etc.
Thanks -- Joe
I guess I am out of the loop. I have no idea who Jamie Mottram is.
He's a cow-orker who is also host of Sports Bloggers Live, which is a weekly sports radio show broadcast over the Internet and podcasts -- I've blogged about him a few times (especially when he shows up on ESPN2's Cold Pizza.) -- Joe
Meanwhile, a Technorati employee promised me weeks ago that her customer service manager would cotact me. Still waiting. :( - Karen
They called me about it, but reneged after learning that I'd insist that they call it "Smurforati."
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