Thursday, April 13, 2006

Here's Where We Are

Morning, folks --

Journals Technical Project [not Product] Manager Yoel reports that the AOL Canada Journals problem was fixed last night.  Apologies to our northern neighbors (sorry, neighbours) for the inconvenience.

Yoel also notes that the Journals team also snuck in an added bonus feature with R5 -- if you subscribe to a Journal by using a feedreader program or Web site (such as the My AOL beta), you can subscribe to the comments feed for an entry. This means that you'll be able to view the comments for a particular entry, along with the entry content itself.

If you don't know what any of that means, don't worry, I will talk more about feeds and such later.  The comment feed implementation isn't the user-friendliest thing out there right now, and the Journals team will work on making it easier to find and use, so consider it an undocumented feature for right now.

In the meantime, Yoel has pledged to keep posting in his blog (the daily grind) at least once a week to talk about Journals stuff and other things, so please be sure to keep him honest.

In other news, my number came up and the Internal Computing folks replaced my laptop with a new machine last night, so I got that going for me. ( I was pretty happy with my old machine, but it was starting to get a little beat up. I guess it was just its time.)

On the other hand, that means I will be spending most of the morning (and probably the day) transferring files, reinstalling programs, adjusting settings, and doing a bunch of other stuff to get things just so.

It also means that my desk is a complete disaster. More than usual. I would post a photo, except I have to reinstall the camera software and Photoshop first.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the bonus feature, Joe! Congrats on the new laptop, it's always fun to get new electronic toys, but getting stuff all arranged just right on new computers can be a hassle.

~ Susan

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We should smash Canada now, while they're weak.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Let them eat cake!