Wednesday, November 16, 2005

This Is an Entry About the Ads

Okay folks -- this one is an entry about the ads: the 728x90 banner ad that was placed on the top of all Journals yesterday as part of the Journals R2 release, and the resulting furor that it's set off within the J-Land community.

First, right off the bat, I can't say what you most want me to say, which is "The advertisement is going away."

can't speak for upper management, where the business decisions get
made, though I can share my thoughts -- and yours -- with my own
bosses.  And I haven't heard anything that suggests we will be
rolling back the ads. (And yes, I know it's the old "Decision is made
above my pay grade" saw, but just because it's lame doesn't mean it's not true).

Your reactions to the ads have been universally negative, though there has been a range of negativity: A very vocal portion of folks absolutely HATE-HATE-HATE the ads; I have been told to resign; some of the more extreme wording has likened the ads to "rape"; there have been threats of lawsuits and I've seen calls (that I hope are at least half-joking) for vandalizing the property of advertisers whose ads have run.

Needless to say, these folks don't expect to remain AOL Journalers, or even AOL members much longer (more on that in a bit.)

(To top it off, it really, really didn't help that certain things broke as we installed R2. For example, authentication problems caused the edit buttons to disappear for a while and there are still people who can't save entries. This is really bad, and I am very, very sorry -- we should have done more testing, especially with the different versions of the AOL client. And then there's that whole unwelcome surprise thing, which I have also apologized for. But this entry is about the ads issue.)

Next, there are the people who have an extreme dislike
of the new ad placement, but might not leave their Journals, especially
if we can do things to make the ad placement less annoying. Some of
your suggestions have included:

* Letting blog owners opt-out of ad placements.

* Using less-garish ads, or text ads.

* Giving blog owners a piece of the action,
either through a third-party administered ad program like Google
AdSense, or maybe a direct payout from AOL. (On the flip side, some
folks think that this whole ad thing is a scheme to introduce a premium
"no-ads" fee for Journals.)

* Adding some sort of disclaimer to the ad, showing that the blog owner doesn't endorse the ad placement, or even giving blog owners a choice
as to what kind of ad shows up. For example, if you blog about working
at Company XX, and there's an ad running in your blog for your chief
competitor, Company YY, you would be upset about the ad content, even
if you were generally okay with the idea of ads in your blog (which you
probably aren't).

These are all good ideas, some of which
we've discussed internally before and some that we haven't, and we are
examining all of them, though I don't know if we will be able to
implement any of them.

There are other people who are neutral about AOL placing ads in their blogs -- they don't care one way or the other. I don't see very many of those right now.

And of course, I don't see anyone who says "I love the new ads!" If they do, they probably work in the advertising industry.

Of course, there's been a furious flurry of blog posts, comments, e-mails and message board posts. (I hope that as you do this, you continue to send your feedback to the feedback address we've set up,, which I can't stress enough is not a dumping ground
for your e-mails -- it's set up because I don't know if any
high-powered AOL executives are going to see the comments you post in
my blog, whereas with the e-mail, we can collect your feedback directly
and share it with our executive team.)

There's also at least one petition that I know of, as well as various boycotts, embargos on Scalzi's assignments, blog blackouts and more.

Here's some of the sentiment we've found in your posts, comments and mails:

* Over at What the Hell...?, jeffcomedy uses the following analogy:
the equivalent of going to a hair-cutters, getting my hair all nice and
trim and spiffy.  I pay her and while I'm walking out the door,
she nails a coupon for Starbucks to the back of my head." (Thanks to
Suzie for calling that one out.)
* A bunch of folks
have also made ultimatums (to paraphrase): "Roll back the ads or we're leaving (and
you've made us so mad, we might leave anyway)." Patrick of Patrick's Place has put together a link list of AOL Journalers who have created new blogs at other blog providers.  A popular alternative is using a combination of the Blogger tool and BlogSpot hosting, which are both free blogging services that are owned by Google.

* Some others have suggested canceling their AOL accounts and recreating their blogs on the free AIM Blogs
platform, which gives you the same familiar features, for free (though
it does carry the association with AOL, which some people have sworn

* There have also been folks who've pooh-poohed
my "poor li'l cog in the corporate wheel fighting for the customer" act
(except it's not an act), but (allow me to be self-indulgent for a
moment) do you think I wanted to be on the receiving end of
all your complaints about the ads? Yes, I know, no sympathy for the
devil and all, but just know that I'm no troll.

Anyway, this has been a pretty long post, and I know many of you stopped reading at "right off the bat",
but I wanted you to know that we are following your feedback and
reading what you're writing; we're sorry you're unhappy with the
decisions we've made; if anything changes, I will let you know; and in
any event, I hope you keep blogging, whether it's with AOL or someone

Thanks -- Joe.


Anonymous said...

"I've seen calls (that I hope are at least half-joking) for vandalizing the property of advertisers whose ads have run."

I have seen for a fact that people are "vandalizing" the "property" of these advertisers ... but did anyone ever think that they are vandalizing our hard work, and our words?


Anonymous said...

It's just as I expected.  
Didn't realize that the other two free blog places are owned by Google.  Didn't AOL just aquire Google?  Or did I dream that?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like they are hearing us, but nothing's going to change.  Sort of like "Tough, crap, journalers!  Accept it or leave."   NOT exactly a great attitude to have for paying customers.

I hope they don't take a year to make a decision cause no one will wait that long.

Anonymous said...

This is basically an entry which doesn't tell us anything new.  I know you're just the messenger, but your entry doesn't make me feel any better about AOL or its decision that doesn't care about its members' needs at all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the feedback, Joe.  We express ourselves to you since you are the one we look to as an advocate for the journals.  Hang in there. We still love YOU.  I'm still not happy about the ads and will look at the sites you have included to determine my journal future.

Dust Bunny Protector

Anonymous said...

Whatever they are paying you it is NOT enough, to deal with all the  mass hysteria your getting dished! I feel sorry for you and for Scalzi, the people who leavejournals, I say good riddance  I didn't like most of them anyway!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What can i say don't shoot the messenger (you) I still can't post on my journal and i tried your deleting files and cookies so now what??? I hope the big wigs read how upset everyone is over the ads. Aol claims to be for the people i think the ads on tv say want a better internet? Well they sure are going about this the wrong way:( Hope you have a good night


Anonymous said...

I think that this issue isn't being dealt with appropriately by any parties on AOL's end.  There needs to be some sort of larger forum that we as users know go to the higher ups...I really doubt they read all the emails being sent in.  Why don't some of these executives set up a chat room to really hear what is going on?  AOL is about to lose many of its costumers and in the long run companies really can't afford bad publicity.   For everything I read about AOL shows it is losing many more costumers than it is gaining and it is losing revenues.  My family is in the costumer service industry and if I have learned anything it is that the costumer is always right and I guess AOL does not have any of that good old fashion business ethic which is really a shame.  

Anonymous said...

take these ads OFF my journal... plain and simple. I feel that there has been an attitude in dealing with this serious situation, and what other service provider in their right mind would totally disregard the needs and desires of their customer base. I never would have started a journal with these ugly flashing ads included and have wasted a year and a half of my time doing it. I love this community and worked hard to build community spirit, and aol has taken something very special and ruined it.

Take these ads off my journal. Period.

That is what will make things better. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Well, I've tried everything, even calling AOL and can't save an entry.
You know, if someone would just assure me they were working on fixing it - that would make me happy.

Anonymous said...

YES, Joe there HAS BEEN vandalism!!!!

the AOL Execs VANDALIZED my journal!!!  MY J is ME, it has MY LIFE, MY SPIRIT inside it.  What makes them think they can SO CASUALLY come along and insert something into MY PERSONAL SPACE?   Yes, AOL 'owns" the space -- BUT I RENT THAT JOURNAL -- unlike OTHERS who are NON AOL'ers with journals.

AOL has taken spray paint and put graffiti on my journal!!!  They vandalized my space without speaking to me about it AT ALL.  

THEN they go and HIDE behind YOU and SCALZI.  REAL PROFESSIONAL OF THEM!!!!  Where is an OFFICIAL AOL statement from the EXECS?    yeah, the memo fell behind a filing cabinet.  I get'cha.


AOL HAS shown quite effectively that it's customers DO NOT MATTER.  There is a HUGE outcry over this -- their response?  uh, we're thinkin about it.  Yeah, screw me, why don'tcha.

Okay, enough.  I have moved my journal already (temporarily I HOPE), and within 2 months if AOL doesn't get there shyt together -- I'M OUTTA HERE, NOT THAT THEY GIVE A DAYMN.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting, Joe.  Along with many, I do not like the advertising and have said my piece in my journal.  I'm not going anywhere.  I like AOL-J and hope to see the sense of community survive this mess.  I do not, however echo many of my fellow journaller's sentiments and use of crude signs or harsh words.  I know you are doing your job as best you can.  Thank you for trying to keep us informed.  Blessings, Penny

Anonymous said...

I think you are honest and sincere, which I haven't seen in many of my former J-landers journals. I appreciate that you are speaking to "The Man" about this. I understand the ad point of view from others. However, I think many people are acting like children. I don't think you should resign (that is just silly), Lawsuits LMAO! Vandalizing... now that is just criminal. I am still having problems saving my entries and I don't think a lot of people know much about computers to get around what is going on. We pick AOL because it is easy... its not so easy right now. I would have liked to see ads on my journal that were for non-profit... like Amber alerts. I am neutral really. I feel that we have to give a little to get a little. Spell check is AOL giving a little. I will not sign a petition, I will not boycott, and I will not suport anyone who is doing a black out. They want to be childish... fine. Better off without em. Don't shoot the messenger!!!

Anonymous said...

It's too bad that you guys haven't even felt the need to come up with a solid solution yet.  You're just repeating old information.  You guys have really, really blown it, and I'd suggest that you come up with a solution FAST.

Anonymous said...

Lord in Heaven!!!!!!!

It's called Copy & Paste!!!!!


Do you think for one second AOL gives a rats arse about a few hundred "good" people and their silly pissed off Emails? Oh, I can see it now, all of them, sitting around the Hypothetical Conference Table having a great laugh at our EXPENSE.

It's the job you took. Send these comments to your bosses yourself! And, let us know when you have....


(((((GET RID OF THE ADS)))))))




(((((SOMETHING))))), (((((ANYTHING)))))

and, make it INFORMATION we don't already know...


Anonymous said...

" A popular alternative is using a combination of the Blogger tool and BlogSpot hosting, which are both free blogging services that are owned by Google."

When I'm being directed to other sites that may be an alternative, I don't see much change coming our way.  We all know the decision has been made and that's that.  


Anonymous said...

Being one of the chief ranters. I have to say this post was decidedly Swiss. Understandable, considering your position. I have ranted and ranted on, and realized that we're just cattle. We are. I accept that. However, I don't accept the way this went down. This is exploitation. One hit or 100 hits it is what it is.

Yes, yes the ads are here to stay, but come on, there has to be some sort of option for us. At least to have a choice of what we want on there. I'd rather have an ad for the NetworkForGood up there, or Americorps, or hell that one about preventing child abuse, than what you all stuck up there. If we are stuck with it, we should have the choice. You all made the blog pages, but we created each of them for ourselves. We should have the ability to do that.


Anonymous said...

Joe, I have been one of the ones to rake you over the coals. Not as bad as some but, I have given you some grief (which I still think is deserved-to a point). I will say "thank you" for finally informing us about the state of affairs. Although reading between the lines, I am getting the distinct feeling that the banner ads are here to stay.
Your corporation is called America Online, and we are the paying customer base of this mighty corporation. We have, through these wonderful journals provided by AOL, built an amazing community of people throughout the world sharing our lives with each other. To now find that our lives, our work, our words, are being used to make money is tantamount to prostitution. You are using the death of my friend Kevin to make money for Bank of America. You are using the suicide of my friend Brian to make money for Netflix. You are using the HIV positive status of my friends to make money for Quiznos.
That is a form of rape, my friend.
Send this on to your bosses, you cog in the machine, and let them know that I do not want the deaths of my friends, the lives of my fellow journalers to be used in this manner.
Take these ads off the journals, now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this, Joe. I sent my obligatory email of complaint. Fat lot of good it will do, but I can't stand AOL Execs whoring out my personal thoughts for any schmuck willing to pay for a banner ad.

Anonymous said...

Well, hearing these words from your keyboard just lets me know that I've done the right thing in archiving & then deleting my journal, and my dog's. Got my g-mail accounts, my new blogspot space (opted out of ads, thanks very much), and as soon as I can get my e-mail forwarded to the new address, I'll get all that AOL nonsense uninstalled from my computer. I had been meaning to drop AOL for some time, and this just kicked me in the butt about getting it done.

Bully for upper management; I hope they enjoy their Christmas bonuses for all that nice ad revenue. Nothing personal for you, Scalzi or the other bearers of bad tidings. I enjoyed playing the assignment game with Scalzi & watching your spot for info. Unfortunately, your employer has just put the last nail in my account's coffin, and ... it's just time to go.

BTW, when I was archiving my journal, I noted the last big brou-ha-ha over journals was when the paid advertorial journal by the financial gal was listed in the Top Five on the editor's picks. Another bad management decision. Not real bright folks there in AOL-J-land, I'm afraid. You might do well to move to blogspot yourself.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to "shoot the messenger," but a large number of us are out of here. AOL doesn't seem to realize that there are alternatives to PAYING for service that is now essentially free elsewhere. In addition, AOL proves repeatedly that they have absolutely no serious intention of providing quality service to their customer by shunting off our tech calls to the hinterlands and offering corpo-script answers to even the most specific of questions.

I hope the folks at Google are listening. AOL is a pig-in-a-poke.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long it will be until I can watch one of AOL's ads on t.v. now and not want to throw the t.v. across the room??  Hopefully one day I can at least have a little chuckle and snort and say to myself "Yea right!" as I hear how AOL puts the customer first.  How about this, pull those commercials.  They are false advertising to the highest degree.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I want to say thank you for starting to address the issue, although everything you're written just sums up what anyone can read and nothing was said about what the aol journal office or the editors and their managers thought on the issue. I would have to suggest this. My mom has had an online business and thus far she has put more money into it..and i mean thousands and hasnt even gotten over a hundred dollars profit. She still has hope however. If there were a way for the ad on my journals to be a free space for her to advertise i would be ok with that. That way it could be helpful for her and i wouldnt complain as much about the ad.

Anonymous said...

I would not want to be in your shoes now Joe.  You have countless upset customers who feel that their journals have been defaced and that our community has been attacked.  No one really WANTS to leave...but we are left with little choice if AOL turns a deaf ear on this.  One thing you all SHOULD know about bloggers...we're not afraid to say what we feel.  The problem here is getting the message to anyone who has the power to do anything about it.  It's incredibly frustrating and unfortuantely you and John get to take the hit.  But, the decision makers should consider that every dissed AOL blogger is going to shout about AOL's blatant disregard for their customers for a long time to come.  I know I will.

Many people ask me why I continue to pay for AOL when I have broadband.  One answer....the journals and the community here.  I have made REAL friends here...friends I know I will have for life.  But, if this community falls apart, there will be no reason for many of us to continue to pay.  In my mind, the only value in AOL WAS j-land.

Anonymous said...

I don't envy you your postion right now, Joe, but the fact is that you're the face of AOL Journals right now and this journal is the best place to vent.

However, over the last 2 years, I've seen a serious erosion in the few areas that made AOL worth it for me. I'm not giving up AOL, just one account, and closing my AOL journal. I don't want ads and I can and have ad-free journals elsewhere, as I've mentioned previously. I blog regularly on Blogger. Blogger blogs post to BlogSpot but they really aren't separate; you sign up with Blogger, you can host your blog on Blogspot, or find your own host. At work, our work server is the host, the blogging is done on Blogger. Ever since Google bought it a bit over a year and a half ago when they acquired its owner, Pyra Labs, they've been working hard to make it easy to use, flexible, and full of features. It doesn't offer every blogging feature out there, but it makes improvements a lot faster than AOL does.

Ditto LiveJournal, which has a lot of great layouts for free accounts, and a real sense of community with threaded commenting that work like message boards. The Friending feature is wonderful, too. And neither LJ nor Blogger have ads, tho in Blogger, you can add AdSense if you want.

Even if AOL turned around tomorrow and said, "We were wrong and are taking off the ads," it wouldn't matter to me anymore. Too little, too late. Too much lack of respect for the paying members. Between the erosion of the message boards over the last 2 years, especially the Writers Boards, and ads everywhere, including email, I don't trust AOL to not come up with something equally annoying in the future. Sometimes, it's best to just accept that management won't change unless forced to and I don't think a boycott by J-Land for ex, will matter to them one bit.

Anonymous said...

Didn't even notice the ads till someone pointed it out.

That's how bothered I am.

Advertising is a way of life these days - where can you go without seeing it - around town, to your sports ground. It's on your TV, your newspaper - why not your journal? It's not life-threatening after all....

I think people have got way to uptight about this whole thing the last few days.

Maybe you should post this advertising slogan - S*** happens!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just... wow. This was not an entry about the ads. It was only re-hash of things you've already said, AND rehashing things we've told you. Don't get glib, man. We're pissed off and we have every right to be. We know it's not up to you and we know it's not your fault. But you know what? You obviously don't care about any of the people that are leaving. You're mocking them in your entry! So why should we care whether or not you're getting raked over the coals? You can have your crappy journals. They're not that great.

Ya know what? I'm also disappointed in a lot of the journal community. A lot of us stuck together and were supportive. And then there was the rest of you, who called us whiners and brats. Well to you I say: have fun letting AOL treat you like crap.

I'm done.


Anonymous said...

Your answer seems to be that there is no answer.  There is an old and valuable myth about a man looking for treasure.  He travels far and wide but never finds it.  When he dies, the treasure is found to be right underneath his own house.  AOL obviously does not realize what a treasure it has in its journalers.  I love what Judi Heartsong and "Luvmort" have said about this issue in this post.  I echo what they said:  It is a form of rape and we will not be pacified.  We will not get used it.  A great number of us are out of here.  It saddens me to have to say this.  

Anonymous said...

My journal still doesn't recognise me as it's ulitmate creator. It's buttonless.

Anonymous said...

I just want it on the record somewhere that Team Monponsett cannot be held responsible for the actions of our fans- many of whom have extreme viewpoints.

New Englanders abide by the Law Of The Sea... which can mean whatever you need it to, depending on the situation.

Anonymous said...

There is such an uproar over this "AD" business I myself don't know what to do. I feel my journal is my space. Yes it is a public journal  but if  AOL want to post ads in my journal why not pay me for my space ?   Since this whole thing has stated I have already lost journals that I read ........they have dropped their accounts with AOL and  /  or moved their journals to Blogspot.   Don't they have enough ad's on AOL already ?  Do they need more money their capital gain in trouble?  I guess I join the masses in saying I am not pleased with this move by AOL, but then I'm not going to die either. Change is hard to accept especially with no warning. I guess most people feel like it's gettig shoved down their throats.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Many people ask me why I continue to pay for AOL when I have broadband.  One answer....the journals and the community here.  I have made REAL friends here...friends I know I will have for life.  But, if this community falls apart, there will be no reason for many of us to continue to pay.  In my mind, the only value in AOL WAS j-land.
Comment from sunflowerkat321 - 11/16/05 7:20 PM

Brava   Kat!!!!!!

My point exactly.   Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I really want not to kill the messenger, but the problem is that I want to kill somebody, so why not...

Actually Joe (and John) you ARE the messenger.  And you did NOT message.  And that's a lot of the point.  We were told, explicitly, last May, upon being informed of the availability of AIM journals that the advantage to PAID journals would be ad-free space.  We were TOLD that.  And we had no reason to believe Monday evening that that hadn't changed.

Because the two men who we thought would be OUR messengers dropped the ball or had their balls held back.  (Take that how you will.)

We were misled, if not outright lied to.  And this flippant attitude that seems to permeate the AOL stance is not at all appreciated.  Okay, so we know you are the boss of us.  God knows you've screwed up our journals countless times and given us the standard "oops, we're real sorry 'bout that" explanation.  So we've grown accustomed to being screwed around.

But this was uncalled for.  You can throw out our use of the term "rape" and roll your eyes if you wish.  But that's exactly what it is from our perspective.  You, at least, KNEW it was coming, so it's not your violation.  It is ours.  If you don't get that, admit that you don't.  Because I don't think you can, even though you may think otherwise.

I have put in hours of time and effort into my journal, the one that AOL takes upon itself to pimp on the TV screen and on the welcome screen.  And I am proud of it and the fact that AOL sees fit to link it (during season).  I do NOT put in that effort to be a billboard for BOA or Quiznos.  And I should have had the choice rather than having AOL's corporate foot stuck up my ass in thanks for my patronage.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I had something to say but I just noticed that I could check my credit it will have to wait.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to cry - for you, Joe, for Scalzi, for people staying and people leaving, for the hubris and lack of accountabilty by higher-ups, for all of us.  This is a tragedy in the classical sense.  I have absolutely no problem with what you said here, Joe. I don't think you've been uncaring or condescending at all.  The execs are another story.

Husband John tells me that there is a big stink right now involving Sony, installing something bad in the root directory (?) of people's computers and not telling anyone, or acknowledging that it might have been a bad idea.  Seems to me that if AOL got a very public black eye over this, it might help to force a change. Unfortunately, I'm not at all sure anyone outside of the J-Land community will care in the slightest whether AOL Journals have been saddled with banner ads.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here is my question that I have yet to see an answer for:


Why was it decided that AOL needed to graffiti-up our journals?

More money in their pockets?  More money from the advertising?  What could the reason possibly be?  

Isn't AOL still the top (or among the top) of ISPs?  Don't they already charge more than other ISPs?  Don't they already bring in more revenue than any other?Apparently not, or they'd have opted not to place banner ads.

So, Joe, tell me why the decision was made to do this.

Everyting else is irrelevant to me...


Anonymous said...

Losing members at basically 300 an hour, makes you do these the math.

Anonymous said...

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, you whole post reeks in arrogance!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another case of the Big Man at the top is so lonely up there he forgets to communicate with his customers that he loses touch and then loses them completely.  Joe, I don't like being negative, and I know you only know my screen name now as one who complains when something is wrong.  Someone needs to let the guys at the top in on the secret.  The customers of the journals DO NOT like the ads.   Remember the commercial where the lady bakes the cake and brings it from home.  That's gonna stop happening.  OK that's it...all who are reading...NO MORE CAKES sent over to the big guys!  Ok, we can send you one Joe...we are very happy with you....b/c you let us know what is going on.  I do appreciate you.  See, I stopped complaining already....but I really don't like those ads...and really considering blogspot or yet the AIM version.  It's cheaper that way for what I need.  Please, beg the BIG GUYs, the Jolly Greens, in the big corner office to READ UP...on what the customer wants.  Didn't that used to be what made companies money?  If the customers were happy, they purchased?  Ok off of here.  Sorry...I hope you find some positive things going on.  I'm sure you dread work these days. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Take the ads off my journal. I don't know how much plainer it has to be. It isn't wanted. The outcry couldn't be more clear and YET it is hugely ignored. I'm tying up loose ends on my account and then it is goodbye to AOL forever. It is a sad shame that I've been a member since 1998 and been a very loyal customer at that. But AOL has made their voice clear too: they do not care about their members.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Alright, I will give you an apology, Joe, because it's deserved:

I DID NOT mean to be angry at you. I'm not. You're the guy, below they bigger guy, that's below the guy playing with the magnifying glass and we're the ants. I got it. I'm NOT mad at you and I'm SORRY for ranting to YOU but let's face it:  I AM MAD! Didn't help that you're the voice for AOL at the moment.

However... I will NOT be posting in my journal until the ads are at least made less intrusive (such as suggested, in only text form). I want them gone all together, or at least have to option to opt out which I am more than open to, I'd be back in a heartbeat if all I had to do was click a little button saying I decline to ads from my journal.

I WILL be looking in to see what happens.

And no, I won't quit calling AOL AOHell. Sorry, won't happen.


(BTW if you can, not that it makes any difference really I just happen to think it's a good point, remind that guy with the magnifying glass, that this is going to become a REPUTATION in BAD SERVICE. That's hard to recover from, I know. My dad bought a business from a man that screwed people over and 10 yrs later we're still getting angry phone calls.)

Anonymous said...

I think what confuses me the most is how AOL claims they listen to their members.  HOW do they listen?  With their bottoms? (Keeping it clean here - not always easy when upset)  I've stayed with AOL despite the fact that I get MSN free on my computer.  WHY am I paying now?


Anonymous said...

truly a disappointment.  Really no new info in this post and I am sorry Joe that you feel the brunt of this.. but it is your job.

As far as being called a cry baby as implied by ths post and some of my fellow journalers.. well that is the nature of journals.. our thoughts. our opinions.. our rants.. you have a right not to be as pissed off as the majority of us.. I wont call you names.  I don't think it is ridiculous to want to be treated like a paying customer and be respected.. especially with something as personal as our journals.. people pour their hearts and souls into them.  When you mess with something people feel passionately about.. YOU WILL GET BACK LASH.

Sadly I don't feel like I am valued as a paying customer and since AOL wont really address the majority's concerns, I have every right to complain loudly and take my money elsewhere.  That is capitalism.. choice of how you spend your money.  I chose to stay with AOL even when I had DSL and didn't necessarily need to.. mostly because of the J~Land community and for the love of my AOL Journal that was add free.   That is being killed.. so why stay and pay for something I can get for free? (TAKE THE BANNERS OFF AND SET ME APART FROM AIM JOURNALS AND OTHER BLOGGER SERVICES!!!!) I have had my Open Journal for over 2yrs now and the thought of  deleting it, deeply, sincerely, pains me BUT I WILL take my money elsewhere unless I feel a bit more valued and loved (ya right) and heard.. (please hear me and the rest of us!)

Anonymous said...

As I see it ... simple solution.  Get rid of the ads.  It is my 'space' that I PAY $$45/month for (not BOA, or Quizno's).  It should be advertisement free, and if it can't be that way, AOL does not need my business any longer.  At the top of our journals, just over the name that we lovingly gave our space are the words :"AOL®Journals  Your thoughts. Your Blog":  From the way things look at my journal this is apparently a pretty inaccurate statement.  As I see it, Corporate Greed is Lord and Master here, and the customer doesn't matter.
Your journal name here really says it all doesn't it?  "Magic Smoke" ... or perhaps it is really just blowing smoke up our butts?  Either way, I would like to be asked before I get screwed so I have an opportunity to say thanks, but no thanks.

Auntie Lyn

Anonymous said...

Still can't post an entry from within aol.

Obviously no point in stating my feelings about that, or the ads, as the aol response is already quite clear.

Anonymous said...

Your post was worthless.  Nothing new.  Nothing that indicates AOL gives a $#@$# about its customers.  And if you are the liaison for journalers, why would it not fall squarely on your shoulders to report what comments are being left in your journal to your bosses?  Another email address would not be needed if you were really doing your job.  But I guess you are doing you job FOR AOL, and against US, the customer, the ones that pay your salary.  Well, only for today... but tomorrow you should worry about where your salary comes from, since AOL apparently doesn't know how to run a business.

And for any AIM customers that says they are "fine" with the ads, I say, their opinion doesn't matter as they have not paid for anything.  When you pay nothing, you get what you pay for.  However, in AOL's universe, when you pay, you get what those that pay nothing get.  Math is simple for we subscribers.  STOP PAYING!


Anonymous said...

You wrote:  we're sorry you're unhappy with the decisions we've made
How can you think at this point anybody could believe that?

Anonymous said...

Just give us the e-mail addresses of the AOL suits who get paid by those poo-chunk advertisements on our Journals.  The JournalChanges address is a long walk off a short pier.

If you can't get the job done, we will.

I'm still taking advantage of 10-11 more FREE months of service for AOL's last JOURNAL SNAFU, so I'm not cancelling my FREE account until my time is up... so hang on Captain Oblivion...  I thrive on this.

With that, anyone who wants to see the advertising GONE should join this group.


Anonymous said...

    I'm heart broken over this. First off, I can't save on my journal neither. Secondly, I don't want to lose the atmosphere and the community as it has been. The way I see it, AOL is counting on losing some business, but others will come, will begin blogs, and will always know the banners. Upper managment types are thinking 'What difference does it make? Those that left, oh well, they will be replaced.' That is an awful way of doing business. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

J-Land may never fully recover from this!
                 *** Coy ***


Anonymous said...

Some of us are seeking temporary refuge at
AOL International Journals, there are no ads
there YET!
                         *** Coy ***

Anonymous said...

Silly me... when I saw the commercial that said boasted how AOL listens to its customers I thought it meant us, the paying subscribers.  Little did I know that it was really in reference to AOL's advertising customers.  AOL didn't even ask us first, so how could they listen to us?  Aye yay yay!

Anonymous said...

there was so much needless pain here yesterday and today

Anonymous said...

well joe, i did read your entry all the way through to the end.

apologize all you want.  but I'm pretty sure, no one is holding you personally responsible.

what I want is two simple things: Customer Service and Customer Appreciation.

I've earned it.

I've supported this lousy outfit since 1993.

So yes, I feel entitled to receive a modicum of respect from the decision makers who make the lousy decisions.

Tell them this Joe:  it's okay to say - "We made a mistake.  We hear you.  We respect your wishes.  And we'll do everything necessary to keep you as a customer."

that will fix all the hard feelings.  I assure you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Joe.
I did manage to read through the entire post. Even though you are not saying what I want to hear, I'm glad you are listening and blogging.
I'll keep a watch out for your updates.

Anonymous said...

I personally think that anybody who is going to get upset over a banner ad on a blog site should change their priorities.  Gas prices high?  War turning sour?  Children dying on the streets of Rio?  AOL Journal Banners?  <-- Pick the most pressing issue and follow that.

Having made that statement, I am asking you as an individual, if you believe that this kind of move does reassert the relationship between a site which provides blogs and the people who write them?  If AOL has the property right to a journal where it can post ads, does it also have the right to the information disclosed?  People on here are very trusting in what they share with this community, I'd hate to see them recoil when they find out that AOL has been scouring their thoughts looking for a bottom line.

Anonymous said...

I did a little math. I thought I would share. Maybe you can TRY to swallow this down with your morning latte'

As of this comment post, you/magic smoke has received exactly 415 comments concerning this issue. John has somewhere in the vicinity of 250. That's a total of 665 Angry AOL Hometown MEMBERS who haven't been given diddly squat in return!!!! Are you going to Actually DO something with these comments, or are you just going to take your chances and hope and pray that WE ALL will just miraculously go away??

What's it going to be..... Joe?!!!!!!

Please say it ain't so.......

Anonymous said...

Okay, Joe, so "things broke" as R2D2 was installed, right?  

I should just be patient even tho I'm now giving free advertising space to B of A on the journal I pay for, right?

I shouldn't get upset because
                   . . . my name is just a week or two out from being called to be
                         GUEST EDITOR, right?  (That's the list I've sat on for almost five

THANK YOU for all you've done for me . . .    now where was that EXIT???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I'm still curious as to whether anyone here has had feedback from


Anonymous said...

Hello Joe..
The comment is two fold.  First I want to address those who can't understand that this banner thing is important, and that other things like war, and poverty are what we should be thinking of.  Well.. truth be known we ARE dealing with those things.. and possibly.. QUITE possibly, this "minor infraction" of our privacy is just the staw to break the camels back!  There is soooo much we are forced to deal with it would be nice for a change to be treated as "cherished customers" instead of the hydrant that the dog didn't pass up!
Second:  you listed suggestions from journal members.. here's mine.  I am old enough and wise enough to know aol isn't going to "give back the money" for those banners to be displayed.  However, they might try playcating us somewhat and add one more thing.. "A HIDE BUTTON".. Yahoo Geocities has this for webspace.. yes you are slammed with the ad while your page is loading, but once loaded you can HIDE the ads!  This would at least allow us to read or work in our journals without having the distracting ANIMATED  (that's another issue..make the ads NOT animated! That's what makes them so distracting) ads...  

You'll never know how I feel about this.  My stomach churns constantly.. I had not a single alert in my email today.. i've come close to crying.  I am new to the journals ( 1 1/2 months), I've backed up every entry I've made to Word now because i'm really afraid how this will all work out.   I'd even be opened to the idea of paying aol MORE just to not have the ads!..  There is just so much anyone should be FORCED upon them.  I know aol is big business, and in it for the money. I'm not stupid.  But there is a WHOLE LOT to say about CUSTOMER SERVICE AND HOW THEY ARE TREATED.... it keeps or pushes away customers.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the last paragraph speaks volumes about AOL caring for customers. Basically you've just said "Don't let the door hit you, where the good Lord split you."

All that schpiel before was irrelevant. Your last paragraph speaks volumes. At least act like you give a crap about the community.

Anonymous said...

Is there any chance that the statement Scalzi made as an official AOL employee and representative is legally binding?

"I'd even be opened to the idea of paying aol MORE just to not have the ads!..  "

I'm sure that they're working on that.

Anonymous said...

I want these ads OUT of my journal. Until they are removed, I will not write here. Somehow everyone has lost sight of the fact that you all work for us.

Anonymous said...

"The cat's out of the bag: AOL is announcing today the creation of AIM Blogs, powered by AOL Journals. The short story: Now anyone with an AIM account will be able to create a journal of their own.
For AOL Journalers, this means that the neighborhood is about to get a lot bigger and a lot more diverse -- and, not entirely coincidentally, that all your friends with AIM accounts will now be able to have their own blog here on AOL, with all the features of AOL Journals (the real difference is that AIM Blogs, being a free service, have an ad at the top, whereas AOL Journals, as part of your paid AOL account, are ad-free)."... John Scalzi

If I ran Wal-Mart, and put an "All Of Our TVs Are Free" ad on TV during a nationally broadcast event, I'd be legally responsible to live up to the terms of my paid spokesman who advertised this sale. John Scalzi is an AOL Employee who made a public statement, which AOL has just reneged on.

At best, that's false advertising... at worst, maybe the banner ads should be grandfathered off any journal that was active at the time that the potentially criminal misinformation was put out on a paid AOL employee's page.

Scalzi, to his unending credit, is at least trying to answer the questions people ask in his comments. I've thrown several good ones up here, and your silence is deafening.

Anonymous said...

Well, as you can see, I've put my own disclaimer on my blog. Look in the "All About Me" area, in red.

Ads are everywhere -- on the Welcome mat, in the e-mail inbox -- you name it and an ad is there. It's not a big deal to me. I just ignore them, like most of the commercials on TV. There's no escape and it's so common anymore, that I've become desenstized to them, I guess. If it makes others mad, that's their issue to deal with. But I want any of them to show me one place where there are no ads of any kind. I gotta see this!!


Anonymous said...

Just a can always copy and paste these blogs into an email to your execs.....just a click away....

Anonymous said...

Unhappy is an understatement.  I don't want that eyesore sitting at the top of my heart and soul, constantly burning and infecting my journal and my readers.  Now if AOL wants to post ad banners to help the world hey i'm all for it, but i'm not in it for the bottom $$$.   I am not a marketing tool, I am a human being who just wanted to make friends and find himself through his journal.  Can't they just see that.  I am angry beyond belief, I think unhappy is just choice words.

Anonymous said...

This Is a Comment About the Ads:


Anonymous said...

Trying to be a of calm demeanor Joe, I thank you for this post.  It addresses a number of questions and gives your honest answers, whether or not you can solve the problem(s).

I'm still using my AOL journal, although I've moved my fun posts to blogspot.  I'm using it to decry this foolishness on the part of AOL and to pass on useful or useless information as the case may be.

You told us in a previous entry that you don't know if the 'higher ups' will see all of our comments and/or complaints in your own (or for that matter, I'm thinking John's) pages.  Well, darn it!  They should!  They should be made to sit at the big executive meeting table with laptops aplenty and go through every single post and comment on both of your journals.

We are all writing with complaints, comments and suggestions.  And calling.  Many of us are writing in two journals, one here, one there.  Many of us are not writing here at all.  This is really a sad, sad state of affairs.

The terminology we use is strong because we want AOL to understand that they have taken our community, a community that WE built on AOL, to their benefit as well as our own, and roughed it up.  Like muggers.  Dare I say terrorists?   Those of us who love AOL J-land and have become a part of this unusual community of a different type of friends KNOW that no matter where we go, we'll find each other.  But that sense of community that took so long to build, with dedication and true loyalty will not be the same as it was here.

Shame on AOL.  Shame. Shame. Shame.

We are a 'different type' of blogger.  We truly connect with each other and AOL has just tossed us aside as you would a rotten apple.  But we are not the rotten apples here -- AOL is.

As to John and his earlier post about free AIM journals -- the only difference being they will have ads and paid for journals won't.  I hope John is o

Anonymous said...

let me finish that last statement...

I hope John is out looking for new employment because I think AOL is going to be really, really mad at him!

Not that I want either of you to go.  I don't.

Anonymous said...

"...we're sorry you're unhappy with the decisions we've made; if anything changes, I will let you know; and in any event, I hope you keep blogging, whether it's with AOL or someone else."

This paragraph pretty much says it all, doesn't it...? Forgot for a moment that we want the banner ads off our journals... (Something AOL is now *contractually* unable to do as they've accepted money from the advertisers to place the ads) What this paragraph *really* says is, "We wouldn't remove these banners even if we *could*, because it's our service to exploit as we wish... And if you don't like it, go ahead, go somewhere else... We don't care..."

In fact, that's basically the tone of this entire post... (Along with some rehashing of what everyone's various opinion is...) So why did you even make it...? Just a friendly word of advice - a placating, condesending post is really actually worse than none at all... But of course, you have to write *something*... Your bosses expect you to deal with the mess *they* made... Tell me, Joe - don't *you* feel a little shafted, too...?

"Your reactions to the ads have been universally negative"

No kidding... But I'm sure that was no surprise to you, who must have been dreading the backlash you knew would come straight at you when this "upgrade" went online... But the problem here isn't really you, persay... (You are only a minion of the "Higher Ups" after all...) The problem is ultimately in the way AOL is treating it's customers concerns over this: callously, disinterested, and void of any attempt to make this pill easier to swallow... Shame on them... And shame on you for helping them do it...

Anonymous said...

I hate having to get "heavy" with a nice guy like Uncle Joe at AOL.. and I just want you to know that I think a lot of us are using your forum to yell at AOL as a whole. Joe should get a raise for the way AOL left him and Scalzi twisting in the breeze for this storm of abuse.

They really should have one guy- and not the one guy with you or John's job- who could work an interactive journal for this banner discussion. That would free you up to handle the technical questions (saving entries, etc...), and would free John up to find cool stuff on the Internet for us to gawk at.

This would also have the effect of isolating the angrier commenters in one place. If it turns out that there are only 1000 of us or less, it may just be easier to work in some grandfather-clause thing where The Mad could go to some AOL site and have the banner removed/altered.

Bank Of America doesn't want ME effing around with their servers or, even worse, visiting one of their miserly branch locations with a bunch of broken 9.0 discs and nefarious thoughts running loose in what you must already know is a slightly twisted mind. Not that I'd do such a thing, but the possibility exists that something may happen.

They'd probably accept losing 1000 banner ads out of 4 million to this steady bad publicity that I'm sure will most likely increase as the angrier banner ad recipients start losing friends to rival servers.

They (BOA, AOL Finance, etc...) just won't see the logic of it, because they are greedy- but if some techie mentions the idea- who knows? Maybe one of them is an AOL blogger him/herself.

I'd also like feedback on the question I addressed earlier about Journalers selling advertising space themselves. That would shut a lot of us up, pronto.

Hang in there, Jojo.... always darkest before the dawn, no? Thanx!

Anonymous said...

"Woke up
Fell out of bed
Saw my journal's banner ad"

Sung to the old Beatles tune

It's still there. Still having Bank of America making money off my life. Still having Quiznos selling subs off the deaths of my friends. Still having Netflix renting movies off my last vacation.
Still waiting.

Anonymous said...

I am feeling used!!!

I write a serious journal..
Watching My Sister...Disappear.

Seeing the add banner at the top of my journal...sickens me.

I am trying to educate my readers to the results of Alz.
How a person like Peggy could get it in her early 40's. I have written our journey as she progresses and now, doesn't know me or that we are sister's.

The adds take away from what I am writing.

Doesn't AOl care that we already pay them for our space?

Help us, Joe!

Mary Louise

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

except for these now and then entries, you really don't have much to say Joe. judi

Anonymous said...

seems like you should have more to say than John does right now..... just my pov. judi

Anonymous said...

hopefully it is because you are carrying the reams of complaints upstairs as John has suggested.
Who exactly is reading the mail at 'journal changes'? How many have you gotten?
Inquiring minds want to know.............

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


How's this for a constructive avenue.
I believe we deserve a point blank answer.

Is the ads here to stay.....period, and everything we are saying is for naught?
Is AOL looking at possibly removing the ads and if so, WHEN can we expect a definitive answer, whether it's yes, we're removing the ads, or no, we are not going to remove them.

Leaving us completely in the dark, is only fueling the anger, animosity and irate feelings.

Although you  have touched and skirted around the core of the issue, what I haven't seen so far is even a hint to a "when and how resolution." Saying your mentioning it to your "higher" ups is rather open ended and well, does a whole lot of nothing in the way of destination and resolution.

Tell us we'll all know by Friday, and we'll placate till then. Tell us it will be next week, and we'll at least know we'll get a straight answer in the near future.

But we need a YES, they are going to remove them, or a NO they are not, so we are not wallowing in this limbo state.
We're adults, we can take the truth, but don't lead us on, if we honestly have no voice or choice or leverage in the situation, just say so. Not informing us of the truth, point blank, is not the way we 1) deserve to be treated and 2) not going to stop the madness


Anonymous said...

You know I had my moment the other day, but let me be one of those that doesn't care one way or the other.

What are they all going to do when Blogger, Xanga etc. all do the same thing? What does it matter, I say if you don't like it just ignore it, is that really that hard for some of them to scroll down and read without paying attention to the add?

No matter what AOL "upper management" decides to do, I am sticking around.

Thank you, for taking all of this in, not just my comment, but everyones... talk about a bad complaint call in the office. :)


Anonymous said...

Is anyone even thinking of removing the ads?  We would like to know.  Because if  a discussion is at least going on then there is hope of my staying.  However, if not then just let us know.  No sense leaving us hanging here.  
Also, why the big old mess with the journals?  I see AIM journals working perfectly.  I find this odd.  Can't use ours if we pay for them.

Anonymous said...

Remove the ads from my journal NOW!


Anonymous said...


I think they are just hoping we will shut up and they don't have enough respect for their customers to come and talk to us... us, you know, the ones that pay their salaries.

This is why I won't shut up, because that is all they want from us, that and our money no matter how bad they treat us.

Ironically, last year I did a little post about how invasive marketing has become in our lives and how well they manage to brainwash us... and now, anyone reading that post can be brainwashed at the very same time!  How convenient!


Anonymous said...

This is blatant disrespect. Sad, and here I thought AOL was customer friendly.

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, I have taken your advice and looked at property to open Mortimer's Cafe in another neighborhood. I think I found something I like at:
It's neat, clean, and so far, I have nothing intrusive blocking my pristine view of my space. Or anyone else's I have visited so far. I even like the new wallpaper I picked out.
I will be open officially after this weekend if the zoning board here at AOL doesn't remove some unwanted billboards that are blocking my view and upsetting my important customer base. I always say, the customer comes first! I'll have a nice cup of Joe waiting for you. The Joe at the NEW Cafe is so much sweeter.

Anonymous said...

Mathematics, pure and simple. Your guys need to work out the factor of ten that complaints spread by as opposed to the factor of ten growth of positive feedback, recognise that both these stem from paying customers and that these banners have plenty other places they can go within AOL and still meet your ad commitments. Its not even a queston anymore, the ads are going to lose you money long term, simple. Rolling them back at least gives the veneer of giving a crap, and that is about ALL AOL will get out of this smash and grab, a thin veneer of decency. This is not a small issue, in % terms AOL have just generated an astonishing level of negative feedback, and somewhere down the line that WILL get picked up.

Anonymous said...


Join the group & promote the cause!

Anonymous said...


You know, I'm not nearly as principled as some folks here.  I could have probably recovered from the ads.  I'm the mom who told her children that "if it's on a television commerical, we won't be buying it" -- saving myself endless hassles over plastic junk and training my entire family simply to block advertising from our consciousness.  I'm the one who can't tell one car from another or one beer from another, so the fact is that most advertising is entirely wasted on me.

Of course, my dedicated oblivion is not a perfect system.  Therefore, I can identify for you at least some of the ads to which I object.  The endlessly-moving red-and-black BOA graphic thing is SO irritating and so destructive of any semblance of artistry on my photo entries that it has pretty much guaranteed that I will never be a BOA customer.  I suggest you transfer those over to the 20-somethings who were raised on Sesame Street and find those jarring animated graphics appealing in some way.  The lovematch or whatever on my private religous journal is just plain obnoxious.  The NASCAR ad???  Totally laughable for anyone who knows that I am completely baffled by the idiocy that is NASCAR.  Of course, the aol ads themselves kind of take the cake.

Anonymous said...


But as I said, I am used to not seeing ads right in front of my nose and I could learn to make them invisible for myself.  And I could take my friends poking fun at me for NASCAR and lovematch ads on my site.  I am 52 years old and I understand that life is bafflingly ironic.  Next thing I know I will be inadvertently fundraising for the Republican Party but hey -- I'm sure there would be some sliver of humor to be found in even that situation.

However, the fact remains that I CANNOT ACCESS MY JOURNAL.  So it really doesn't how unprincipled I am.  The complete incompetence of your techies has rendered me totally unable to compromise myself, my sacred honor, and my life.  

How on earth, in the 21st century, is a girl supposed to give herself away if she can't even hit "SAVE"?  (Backward pun fully intended.)

Anonymous said...


(This is a comment for oceanmrc who obviously can't get comments since she can't access her blog either.)

Anonymous said...

I sure hope they pay you enough for this Joe.  Yeah, right.  

Anonymous said...

BANNER AD POLL:  You're welcome to participate in a BANNER AD poll over at

Results will be "elevated" .... you can also read the stats as members vote ....

Not to vote IS to vote!

Anonymous said...

Since she can't get into her journal this comment's for: oceanmrc

You go girl! I can't believe you can't access your journal after all this time. That's unbelievable! Oh well. I am considering moving to Blogger and so far, I haven't had a single problem with accessing my blog or making changes over there. Hell, you can even read it without those annoying banner ads that you now find on AOL Journals, which still says at the top, "your thoughts, your blog", something we all know now is not true at all. Our thoughts, Bank of America's blog! or Quiznos! or insert-corporate-gorilla-here's blog!
Hope everything works out. I have given the AOL Overlords until this weekend, if the banners remain, I go.

Anonymous said...

My AOL Journal is officially over-- unless the Banner Ads go away.

Pathetic.  Hope you still have a job in a week...


Anonymous said...

I'm in the process of switching to Blogspot.  Everything about them is better than the AOL Journals.  ESPECIALLY FACT THAT THEY DON'T HAVE BANNER ADS.  Even though Blogspot is so much better, I would have stayed with AOL for the community.  But it looks like the community has picked up and moved.  The longer AOL waits to address the issue, the more journalers and subscribers they are going to lose PERMANENTLY.  We're all getting mighty comfortable at Blogspot.  I spent hours yesterday familiarizing myself with how it works over there.  It's slow going sometimes, but it's going to be worth it not to have to deal with those crass BANNER ADS.  I see another entry is up on this blog addressing technical issues.  Pretty soon, none of us will care about the tecnical issues of AOL Journals.  I know lots of people are canceling AOL subscriptions all together because of this.  WE STAY BECAUSE OF THE COMMUNITY WE BUILT.  But looks like we're moving on and making our homes elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Great credit is better than I thought.  I have forgotten what I was going to say earlier but I just may apply for that home loan after all.

Wait, I already have one.

I saw something flashing about improving my life.....I wonder what my HUSBAND will think about that?

I will be back when I can focus on your brillant post and what your bosses, the Overlords, told you to say.

I see lights and I know its not God.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing, I found a way to block the banner ads! And no, it's not by going to Blogger (which I think I still might do, most of J-land has relocated there already). Email me and I will show you the way, at least we can block the fakafta banner ads between ourselves. The AOL Overlords can kiss my skinny know the rest.

Anonymous said...

You know, it might help if you'd give us *gasp* a DEFINITIVE answer.  Dancing around the issue and repeating old information isn't going to help matters.

Anonymous said...

well at least this journal is good for something now..... oceanmrc has a place to post her entries. Great entry and I will be back to read again tomorrow. :):):) judi

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with what  stetsonboy21 said.  It is infuriating to come back to this space and feel as though your concerns are being largely ignored.  

Anonymous said...

I am also unhappy with the ads...I pay $30 a month for slower service, no hit count anymore and ads? Not cool at all...Luna

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Joe.

Anonymous said...

Get the ads off my journal NOW!


Anonymous said...

If you guys were truly sorry that we're unhappy, you would reverse your decision.  Yes, you.  Because, Joe, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Why can't AOL put the ads on the journals of the people who post their journals with AIM?  

What about puting it on a pop-up like geocities?

I look at the advertising and it detracks from my photo journal, and I don't like it.

I have been a paying AOL customers since the early 90's and I truly think this is unfair to the paying customers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't have a Journal, but I do read a number of A.O.L Journals. I will be looking somewhere else to write my own. Putting adverts on without even letting people know is not a good idea!

Anonymous said...

You know, that's a real shame how people are attacking you over the decisions made about ads.  I guess they think that as an editor who is put out there to be the face people see when it comes to AOL Journals that of course you're directly responsible for what happens to the site.  That's like blaming a Wal-Mart cashier for the building of new Wal-Marts.  I would venture to guess that most of the people attacking you have never worked in a business where they had to put up with the decisions of their superiors that may not always be done with the customers in mind.

It's even more great when people reply to this post still telling you to take the ads off.  Oh, hmm...  since they turned a blind eye to the e-mail you told them to send their concerns to, I guess you could really turn a blind eye back to them.  But that's just me.  I'm not good with keeping a smile when I'm getting smacked around for something I didn't do.