Friday, February 10, 2006

New Guest Editor's Picks for 2/10

Hi everybody. As posted to the Journals Message Board, our new Guest Editor's Picks are up on the Journals Main Page:

Guest Editor Michael

Our Guest Editor this week is Michael, a chiropractor who gets his blog's name from the TV cartoon, 'The Tick.' Stop by and see his top six blog picks:

* Losing It
* Ride Along With Me
* Living Life and Loving It
* Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice
* In the Shadow of the Iris
* Living With Chronic Pancreatitis

Michael's top six blog picks are all authored by women; I guess that makes him kind of a ladies' man...

As to The Tick quote that comprises Michael's blog's name: I don't speak your crazy moon language! SPOOOOON!!!

Ahem. Don't forget that if you want to take a shot at being a Guest Editor, send me an e-mail at with a link to your blog. (You'd be surprised how many people don't send me their blog address when they write in. Remember, I am very, very lazy.)

As noted, if you have your own Journals feedback, gripes, technical questions, etc. also feel free to send me e-mail. The hard questions, like the technical stuff, I kick over to Product Manager Susan, so it's all good.

Thanks -- Joe



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Joe..........

I have to tell you that there is one journal that hasn't gotten any recognition though it should. The title of this journal is " Bee's Shutter". You can find it at
It seems like nobody knows about this journal but me...........Please go see it for yourself and you will see why it deserves recognition.........Thank You.

Anonymous said...

hi, how do  i I.M people?