Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Long Entries Or Short Entries?

Here's a question I've been grappling with lately, and I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject:

* When you blog, do you prefer doing fewer, longer entries or more, shorter entries?

* How about when you read someone one's blog? Is your answer the same, or different?

Personally, when I blog, I like doing longer entries, since it lets me flex my writing chops. Most of what I do in my day-to-day work is in e-mail and IMs -- it's all short and to the point, and there's not a lot of time for clever wordplay or skillfully turned phrases.

Granted, writing shorter pieces is usually more challenging than running long, since you have to be clear, concise and focused -- you have to be more ruthless in what you cut versus what you keep.

The thing about longer entries is that you have more room to roam. You can examine other viewpoints, go off on tangents and come back, link off to related items, provide background information and the like.

Of course, sometimes you just want to say "Hey, check out this link," which is fine, too. But I like writing the longer posts, myself.

Now, when it comes to reading entries -- it largely depends on the skill of the writer, although I don't like entries where, like, every other word is a hyperlink off to somewhere. Say something original, darn you!

Anyway, how about you all?

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

It depends on the topic at hand for me. If it's a point that I feel the need to elaborate on, then I can be very long-winded at times. Other times I just want to write a quick note to announce something or other about my site or share a cool link with readers. So for me it definitely depends on what subject the post is going to be about. :)

- Raven

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I prefer shorter entries, for myself and for others.  Unless someone can keep me laughing throughout a longer entry.

Anonymous said...

Writing:  It depends on whom you are writing FOR.  I am often writing for myself, not for any readers, to explore a topic and document my thinking on that topic, and therefore the entries will sometimes be long and boring as I dig myself into holes.  

Reading:  I prefer short entries when there's no mental exploration.  If, however, the writer is struggling with a topic, I appreciate long full entries (except when the same points are belabored over and over) because I like to see the workings of another's mind.  These are the entries that often reveal gems of insight.


Anonymous said...

I break it up - I sometimes like to write a long entry, when the topic justifies it and I've got a lot to say. But for the most part, I try to keep my entries on the shorter side, with a graphic or picture and pretty to-the-point, so that I don't bore anyone or seem long-winded.

I have to admit, there are some journals I read that I never get through a whole entry because they are ALL just too long - they run on with too many details I don't feel inclined to read about, so I skim. And there are journals I just won't try to read - if the font is to small, there's no 'white space' and no graphics at all. Too boring, no matter what the content.


Anonymous said...

Whatever comes out of my mouth and sticks to the page is what I write, some long, some short.

Anonymous said...

When commenting, I work better in one liners... although I can max out the space rather easily if I get on a roll.

I like to think that I'm the best comment-leaver on AOL, of not the Internet as a whole. I'm the best at what I do, although "what I do" isn't really that important.

Anonymous said...

I generally try to keep my entries on the short side. Much depends on the day's photo. Anything more than a paragraph is a bonus when it comes to me.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has visited my journal knows that most of my entries are sort of long, well, maybe really long. Some would say, unforgivingly long... but I am writing for myself, and often I am working through my thoughts, trying to figure out what I really believe about God, my self, and this world we live in.

I admire brevity in one's journal, and have honestly thought I could do the same, but it has happened so rarely that I'm thinking it's a skill I lack. I enjoy the longer entries of others if the topic is something the journaler knows a lot about, like Mavarin's entry on fantasy and her research of book publishers. Or Cyndy's thyroid series,  or Lori's experience looking for a new home, making the purchase, packing, and closing the deal. I also like Joe's informative entries that teach me to maneuver around J-land with ease, especially when accompanied by graphics and links, like this one. That is the short and long of it. Bea

Anonymous said...

I think I'm the "queen" of long and quite possibly dull entries about mommy ups n downs... but it is good relief for me.  I don't think readers may enjoy all the details I sometimes put into my entries, but I'm with you Joe, long entries are my preference most of the time.  I enjoy examining all sides of an issue... even if it is a topic such as kool aid.  You can talk about the price of it, the flavor, your personal favorite, each member of your family preferences, your best friend's favs... then expand to what happens to a mother's mood with kool aid on carpet, offer unsoicited but free advice on how to remove stains from such subject... and then you can go off on a tangent about how nifty it is that manufacturers have made one that changes colors.  Then you can post a kool aid smile and come up with a clever title and voila, it may even end up being the best post of the year.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a knack for short entries.  I have to wrestle a topic into submission, no matter how long it takes.  I enjoy long entries by others if they're well-written and coherent (and Bea, yours are!).

Still, sometimes I break things up with an entry of photos and one-liners.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I prefer short entries; I tend to be succinct.  My e-mails and posts are usually short too; and when I reply to same, I often break the replies up.  (I focus!)  And I add blog entries as frequently as I come across something interesting or helpful.  I just started adding quotes about homes from fiction, which I think is fun.  Check out my quotes from The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency and Bitter is the New Black: http://journals.aol.com/pagadan/JoysJournal/