Friday, February 17, 2006

The Good, and the Bad and Ugly

Here's an item from Washington Post 'Unconventional Wisdom' columnist Richard Morin; he's written about a study conducted by a pair of economists who posit that ugly people are more likely to commit crime.

Researches interviewed 15,000 high school students and rated them in appearance on a five-point scale. (Presumably they kept these ratings to themselves, although can't you just see a panel of interviewers standing up and yelling at some hapless high-schooler, in Simon Cowell-esque fashion, "You're Very Unattractive!"?)

They then followed up with the students 8 years later, and found a small but significant trend of the more-homely of the bunch being less-law-abiding, at least when it came to seven different types of crime.

So, while we can still hate the pretty people for making more money and generally being perceived as being smarter and more successful in life, at least we can take comfort in the fact that they will be less likely to burglarize our hovels.

Today's column has a few other interesting tidbits, like the differences in how men and women tally sexual partners, plus the effect of post-its on questionnaires, so check it out.

You'll have to excuse me now, as it's lunchtime and I have to go knock over a convenience store.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

 I might interpret that data as suggesting that the less attractive people gravitate towards crime because the see the success of the more attractive people as unfair, being based upon popularity rather than talent. See, I'm jealous of you, you handsome guy, you. I could do your job, if I was better looking. I think I'll go knock over a bank.

Anonymous said...

Last line? Oh stop it! You are adorable, and you know it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

The solution? Mug a pretty boy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe what made them ugly is also what made the criminals?