Friday, March 24, 2006

Pod-People, Viral Teen Webcam Buzz, Plus Bush on Blogs

Morning, folks. Going through my morning news routine, I found a few items about user-created content (that is, content created by regular folks and shared) that I will inflict on you:

The first item (found on digg) is a study suggests that maybe we need to come up with a better term for "podcasting", because as many as 80% of podcasts never make it to a portable player (that's supposed to be the whole "pod" in podcasting), and are instead listened to on a desktop computer (or are deleted or otherwise not listened to).

The article (which, of course, is pretty much a press release for the study) talks a little bit more about the origins and theory behind podcasting, so check it out even if (or especially if) you're not familiar with podcasting (which is just a way to subscribe to audio broadcasts on your computer.)

Next, there's a article about a teenage girl who posted a video on video-sharing site YouTube that's attracting some attention.

The video is being buzzed about not because of its primary content (which is the usual teen-angsty breakup stuff), but because she was using a particular model of webcam that lets users add special effects to the video they're sending.

At different points in the 75-second video, she's wearing horn-rims, cat eyes, a gas mask, a snorkle, and John Lennon glasses. It's viral, and it's much better advertising than the webcam maker could have ever come up with.

Also, in other news, apparently President Bush reads blogs (or is at least aware of them), since he used the term in a speech.

If he does read blogs, one can imagine what's on his bookmark list. Or feedreader, if one takes an additional logical leap.

I found that item on Newsvine, which is one of those new Web 2.0 sites that relies on human users to organize and present news. I'm still playing around with it; it's kind of neat, but I don't have an opinion yet of the quality of the articles.

Lastly, in my own news, I will get the new Guest Editor's picks up later today. Also, I will be highlighting a particular blogger and trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


<I>"maybe we need to come up with a better term for "podcasting"</I>

About 10 days ago, I wrote an article exactly suggesting that... Here's a quotation from my post, dated March 16th:

<I>I think even the naming is a serious consideration here. I mean the term “podcast”... What an average Internet citizen imagines based on the term podcast, I suspect, might be anything from an iPod accessory to a new breed of spaceship… Why not just say “on demand radio shows” rather than “podcasts”? Well, is there a “coolness” factor in the usage of this term? Now if I say “I have a podcast”, some will perhaps think that I’m a person who makes regular space travels… Well, I’m not quite sure whether that’ll really make me cool, but I certainly think that it will be an ingredient in awareness / adoption problems. </I>

By the way, the post was about "The missing pieces" of Pandora,, and podcasting...". So I'm adressing the roots of some awareness and adoption problem with these new music media, and them pointing the importance of designing more consumer friendly, experience rich, and insights driven products…

You can read it @

<a href="">www.NeoMarketing.TV</a>


Onur Kabadayi