Friday, March 24, 2006

Office Spouses and the Other, Other Woman

First off, I didn't realize that the concept of a green, spinach-flavored wrap would be such a mind-blowing concept to some of you folks. But that doesn't really have anything to do with anything, save for the fact that Amanda of Cult of Invisible Women left a comment in that entry with a link back to her blog.

Naturally, I took a look at her blog. It's what I do. (Especially for blogs I don't recall seeing before.)

In one of her recent entries, Amanda wrote about how a blogging buddy of hers, Jess of CIW: The Other Invisible!, was featured this week on CNN's Paula Zahn Now because of something she wrote in one of her blogs about the concept of an "Office Spouse."

Now, I'm familiar with the idea of an Office Spouse; it's pretty much a cow-orker with whom you have a close friendship at the office (and sometimes only at the office).

It's friend, mentor, and ally all rolled up into one, and romance is not part of the package.

(I remember the first time I was introduced to someone at a gathering with "She's my work wife." I was confused for a moment, but the concept isn't that hard to grasp, especially if you work stupid, all-encompassing hours, as, um, people I know do.)

Anyway, a CNN producer (who actually turned out to be a CNN producer) got in touch with her, and included her in a piece that aired on Wednesday. (Here's a link to the video, which should work. Also, here's a link to the transcript).

I took a couple of screen shots (that is, shots of the screen):

Jess, Office Spouse

I wonder if you can get that title on your business cards: "Office Spouse."

As it happens, Jess is kind of the second office wife of the gent in question (Mike), which kind of makes her the "other, other woman."

Office Spouse Bigamy?

I wonder if Mike can get "Office Mac Daddy" (Daddy Mac) on his business cards.

Anyway, Jess wrote about the filming in both of her blogs (Journals | Blogspot), so you can get the behind-the-scenes scoop.

Congratulations to Jessica on the on-air time. Here she is when she's not being all famous and stuff:


There's a lesson to all this, and I think the lesson is this:

If you leave a comment in my blog with a link back to your blog, I will probably read your blog and take a look at the blogs that you link to.

Also, you may not believe it, but you just never know when someone may read what you wrote in your blog.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thatis really true..never know who will turn out to read your blog...and I love th idea of an Office Spouse..I wonder if this would go along with the lines of a Blog Spouse or On-Line Spouse or Boy/Girlfriend?

Anonymous said...

very cool  :-))

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe, the office spouse idea is I suppose a variation on p.a., LOL! And as for that spinach wrap..........we have tomato wraps but the fillings are not that exotic, LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Come now, the fillings aren't that exotic -- it's just the delivery mechanism that's a little different.

The cafeteria folks also do an Indian-style variation, with basmati rice, chick peas, lightly curried chicken, scallions and onions, also served in a wrap (yellow, if you must know -- not sure what flavor (sorry, flavour) that represents... it's good, though. -- Joe

Anonymous said...

Also, I want to know if there's going to be a followup on messy Office Divorces. -- Joe

Anonymous said...

If there is a messy Office Divorce, will it include one of those green, spinach-flavored wraps as part of the settlement?

Oh, something the report doesn't mention is that Mike actually has a few other office spouses as well. I don't think, however, he qualifies as a Mack Daddy.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe~That is a kewl story about a blogger getting featured on CNN. I think a lot of bloggers intend to somehow get closer to real life publishing through keeping an on-line journal. Plus it's always good to keep hope/dreams alive and expect unlimited possibilities! Wishing you a good rest of the school/office week ;-) Sassy

Anonymous said...
