Friday, March 31, 2006

Cleared: Sporadic Journals Trouble, 3/31 PM

So over at In the Know, Journals Product Manager Susan reports on two items that affect Journals users; one is a fix, and the other is a problem:

* First, the fix: Journals Search, which had been experiencing some problems earlier in the week, should be all back to normal.

* Next, the problem: There seems to be sporadic timeout errors, which is causing some things to be slow (like when you try to view a Journal), sometimes leading to the blue "Journals is unavailable" error screen.

The Journals ops and dev teams are working on this. As noted, it's a sporadic outage (since I'm posting this and you're reading it). Check Susan's blog for updates as we get them.

[Update, 4:10pm ET: The sporadic problem was followed quickly by what looks to my unexpert eye like a brief but total outage of the edit servers. We seem to be back to normal, now. Thanks -- Joe]

If Journals goes all the way down, neither Susan's nor my blogs will be available -- if that's the case, check out the Journals message board, where you can see the message I just posted.

Thanks, and sorry for any inconvenience. -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Nothing like a sudden huge problem after 4 on a Friday. I'll go out on a limb and guess that traffic sucks, too.

Anonymous said...

You'll have to forgive my friend Monponsett there, she gets all funky when she's off her meds and there is no major sports going on to distract her. LMAOOOOOOOO!