Monday, March 6, 2006

Monday Update: Boondocks, UI Designer Holly and What's Coming Up

Hi folks -- just catching up on stuff from over the weekend. Hope yours was good. The morning-after headlines all say that the Oscars were boring, but I will have to take their word on that.

In other news, looking at today's comic pages, it looks like Boondocks cartoonist Aaron McGruder is turning his sights on MySpace -- Grandpa is jumping back into the dating scene: He wants to use "The MySpace." This should be interesting:


On my list for this week is getting a little more in-depth on how to use the new IFRAME feature we launched with R4, with a tutorial and some examples. Stay tuned.

I also do want to talk more about feeds and feedreaders, but first that means I need to get my Web-based feedreader accounts into shape so I can share them with you -- they're kind of a mess right now, so I don't know if I'll be able to get to it this week.

In the meantime, also say hi to AOL Journals UI Designer Holly; she's started up a new AOL Journal to talk about User Interface/User Interaction stuff. Her job is to help design the front-end experience that occurs when you use Journals -- how screens respond after you do certain tasks, where the controls are, etc.

Anyway, she can talk about it better -- her blog is Mountain View Musings.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe!

Thanks for the blog post! I look forward to hearing from you J-Landers :)

Anonymous said...

thanks Joe! we are looking forward to getting to know Holly!

Anonymous said...

Getting a teenager off of "The MySpace" will either kill grandpa, or make him live to 118.