Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's Filler Time!

Hi folks -- I was trying to post my long-delayed entry with some videoblogging tips, but that'll have to wait until tomorrow (in large part, I'll be highlighting these webcam video tips if you don't want to wait).

In the meantime, here are some quick hits from my slushpile of bloggy topics:

* The Future Is Here. And It's Annoying: Here are 7 things about the future (which is now, or close to now) that annoy Valleywag writer Nick Douglas, including:

- Cellphones on airplanes
- Animated billboards
- Traffic cameras

He also takes a contrarian view on some things that aren't universally-reviled (such as iPods and GPS units).

* "'Time' Shoving Its Reluctant Writers Online": Gossip blog Gawker posts an internal memo from Time magazine Managing Editor Rick Stengel, in which he encourages/cajoles/prods Time's magazine writers to particpate on the Web site.

A lot of folks in publishing are realizing that they need to keep people engaged outside of the traditional publishing cycle. Even outside of just keeping up with changing reader expectations, there's a lot of benefit to reaching out to readers via blogs, columns, and other online media... though there's a lot of work involved.

This holds true for other types of folks not in the publishing world -- product managers, customer service types, PR folks, etc.

Of course, if you're the one being told to get it done, it can look suspiciously like "more work for the same pay," but it kind of comes with the territory these days, and you can make it work to your advantage, by helping to build relationships with your customers, as well as your personal brand.

* "Blogging Into The Mainstream": On a related note, Forbes looks at what happens when mainstream media acquires popular blogs (or bloggers). Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't -- the article mentions Wonkette founder Ana Marie Cox, who's been considerably less visible since she took a blogging gig at Time.

The article features a gallery of other media/blogger mashups for your perusal.

Thanks -- Joe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've tried to force myself onto three local newspapers as a blogger, with no paying results. I used you as a reference, so be ready if that phone call comes.