I was actually expecting a flood of meetings because of this, both spurious and real. You never want to jinx yourself by talking about something like this, whether you're pitching a no-hitter or hitting every green traffic light. It's just begging for trouble.
Just go with the flow...Thanks -- Joe
Tag: cow orker
Hee Hee. Helen
Um, Joe, you forgot to link to my blog.
Do you think I was taunting you ONLY for for kicks? That was just 50% of the fun; I was prostituting myself for some traffic, but I guess I will have to do the dirty work myself. See you at 2:00.
The Offending Co-Worker
insert shameless plug here:
When you have nothing better to do, read my blog, Worth Repeating.
Anti-social behavior will not be rewarded. -- Joe
I just came indoors for lunch break, to read my email. Your email made me laugh :)......cow-orkers lol. Hoping your 2 o'clock meeting is canceled!!!
So, no elevator hijinks or frisbee-golf across the cube farm?
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