Monday, May 22, 2006

5/22: Journals Timeout Errors (mostly resolved)

Hi folks -- we were having some Journals problems earlier tonight -- lots of slowness and eventual timeout errors; looks like it was systemwide, affecting all Journals.

The core problem seems to be resolved (which is why I can post this entry), but you might see some weirdness while the tech guys make sure everything is in order.

Not sure why we've seen more of these lately (we can't blame Britney for everything), the Journals tech folks are investigating  -- I am trying to express the appropriate level of urgency to them.

Sorry for the inconvenience. -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Ugh!  I was one of those who was posting and editing at the time and it was taking forever to post my graphics.  Anyhoo, we'd like to see more moods put in journals.  There  just aren't enough!  Who do we talk to about that?  Dana

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this cause I thought it was just me for a sec.