Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Blog Six-Pack Picks, 2.3

Hi folks -- here's our next batch of Blog Six-Pack Picks, so that's 12 more blogs (actually, 14, counting our featured Six-Packers) for you to check out.

I decided that instead of continuing the Part 1, Part 2-style names, I'm going to go over to a version-number style numbering system. Because everyone, you know, loves version numbers, which aren't confusing at all. Oh no.

This being the second round of Six-Pack Picks, and the third batch of six packs, that would make this set of Six-Pack Picks number 2.3.

I guess it should be number 2.03, but who am I trying to kid here?

Our first Six-Packer today is Bookmaven2005, otherwise known as Bethanne, AOL's Book Maven. Sure, she's nominally a cow-orker, but I did say that anyone with a blog can play, so check out her picks and leave her a comment to let her know what you think:
  1. Travel Contests - My very talented friend Barbara Benham has a fairly new but quite robust Travel Contests Blog. Here you can not only find out about most travel sweepstakes and such under the sun ...
  2. Dream of Italy - Travel Blog - ...an elegant blog attached to an elegant newsletter, run by another very talented friend, Kathy McCabe. Whether you're planning your first trip to Tuscany or you're a fanatical Italophile, there's something here for you.
  3. Steven Berlin Johnson - Steven Berlin Johnson is the author of 'Everything Bad Is Good for You,' and a columnist for Discover magazine. I'll try to forgive him for not blogging about being on my panel last week...
  4. The Diary of Samuel Pepys - ...This is truly book-wonkish and indulgent of me to post. However, you, too, might get hooked on the life of the most observant man ever, who just happened to live in the 17th century.
  5. Readerville - Hmmm, does Readervillecount as a blog? I'm not sure if it does, and it's neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring, and thank goodness -- it's sui generis and so fascinating. It's like a blog of a very busy and witty writers' conference...
  6. VittlesVamp - My new favorite person on the planet is The Vamp, perhaps because she let me stop our taxi in front of Murray's Cheese Shop en route to the Pegu Club...
Next, we have Britinany, over at Toast & Tea; Gretchen would like to promote people whom she thinks are "just damn cool," so have at it:
  1. Nothing But Bonfires - She's a great writer and one heck of an adventurer.  She's about to scrap her life in Charleston to go visit Southeast Asia and relocate to San Francisco all in one swoop.
  2. Sweet Juniper! - Dutch and Wood do most of the writing, but they have a great sense of humor and are karmicly adjusted, wicked cool, and honest about being parents. (They also cuss occasionally, so be forewarned.)
  3. Ze's Page - Because he likes me, and thinks so I don't have to.  Warning - this site is a major time vacuum.  Definitely check out the show, his video blog.  FYI, he uses adult language on occasion.
  4. Sign of the Shovel - Michele Owens: Great gardener, witty writer, and a real joy to read.
  5. FrinkTank - Used to be part of the Science Blogs group, but there was a bit of a falling out I guess.  Fun to read, but they do tend to be adult in their language.
  6. Path to Freedom - These guys went way off the deep end.  They live (as vegetarians) off their 1/5 acre in Pasadena. The photos are beautiful, and although they tend to be a bit more "organic" then I usually go for, I am compelled to read it on a regular basis...
Please leave comments in the blogs that you like -- do unto others and all...

In other news, I will be blogging about AOL's new video sharing platform tomorrow or so, but in the meantime, you can check it out: UnCut Video.

Thanks -- Joe


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting Joe