Thursday, May 25, 2006

Blog Six-Pack Picks, 2.5

Hi folks -- it's been a week since our last batch of Blog Six-Pack Picks and there are still a bunch more to see, so let's get to it. (Check out the previous Six-Pack Picks here: 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4)

Sepintx over at (sometimes)photoblog has a Six-Pack of cats and their humans:
  1. Ellipsis... Suddenly Carly - A cat named Elvis lives at Ellipsis...Suddenly Carly. Elvis a source of inspiration for Carly and for me. Love this cat. Elvis is truly a king among cats as he really knows how to throw a party. Throws a pose! When Carly pens an update about Elvis, he steals the show.
  2. Here, There, and Everywhere - Cats, Stinky, Boo Boo and Winky all live at a Journal called, Here There and Everywhere. There are more cats there too I think and they are active cats! Pat shares a lot of cat photos, stories and more.
  3. Arizona Life Through My Eyes - Angel and Eclipse make appearances on a Journal called, Arizona Life Through My Eyes. In addition to cats, Theresa photographs birds and many other subjects in Arizona. Good stuff!
  4. Paragon - Cat Genavieve lives at Paragon, a Journal kept by Phinney. Another photography cat journal and there is some good catnip to go with those photos. Beautiful skies and lots of sights.
  5. Hestia Homeschool for Young Wild Women - Momma Green Eyes lives at the Hestia Homeschool for Young Wild Women. If you love animals and you have a love of learning life's lessons, this Journal is a must read. Of all the places to be a cat, the cats who live at Hestia have lots of sunshine in their lives.
  6. Bee's Shutter - Acat named Garfield lives at Bee's Shutter. Photography and felines is the purr'fect mix for me. From big zoo cats to geese in planters, Julie has a wide range of subjects to photograph. Always a visual treat with cats!
Next, PLittle over at Aurora Walking Vacation has six blogs that he enjoys reading. He thinks you'll like them, too, but it won't hurt him if you don't.
  1. Mike's Weekly Skeptic Rant - Mike is a fellow Canadian, which means many of you will be jealous of his insightfulness and wisdom. And proper spelling. Be aware that Mike doesn't pull any punches, and has been known to use profanity in his state of almost perpetual exasperation.
  2. Memoirs of a Skepchick - Rebecca is a skepchick, which means she is able to model for a calendar and think at the same time. Critical thinking skills are sexy.
  3. What My Kids Want to Know - Maggie's two sons, Colin and Robert, ask a lot of questions, as young people are wont to do. For fun, she decided to ask the Internet at large for answers...
  4. Simian Farmer - ... Simian Farmer doesn't have a specific theme. Simon writes about his family, his job (a bit), and his observations on life. And he does it really well.
  5. Project Jason: Voice for the Missing - Five years ago, Kelly Jolkowski's eighteen year old son left the house to wait for a ride to his part time job. His brother looked out to see him bringing the empty trash cans up from the curb as he was waiting. He was never seen again...
  6. The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind - Dan is a little bit out there. But he makes me laugh. More or less.
Have no fear, there's plenty of Six-Pack goodness left to go around, so stay tuned.

Thanks -- Joe



Anonymous said...

Thanks a bunch Joe.  


Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe! (aside to Dan; you can be quite amusing!:)

Anonymous said...

Oh, thanks for listing my blog :-)  We were in Colorado when this was printed....and now we have a new kitten!

Anonymous said...