Monday, August 11, 2008

J-land @ 5

I'm encouraged by the response to the poll on the anniversary celebrations, in which 79 of you bothered to express an opinion. The results run as follows:

Chat - 11 votes
Make a dedicated entry - 49 votes
Other - 5 votes
Nothing  - 14 votes.

My suggestion is for all (who are so inclined) to make a dedicated entry on August 21st. The subject could be the impact J-land has had on their life, and positive, negative or other experiences felt along the way. Not compulsory, everyone can do as they wish. This entry could be in a shared journal (which I'm willing to host), as well as in your own.

I am asking those interested in a chat to participate in two polls to establish time and date.

Before you all scream at the mention of GMT, I'll give the conversions

1900 GMT = 8pm UK time, 3pm EDT, 12noon PDT
2200 GMT = 11pm UK time, 6pm EDT, 3pm PDT
0100 GMT = 2am UK time, 9pm EDT, 6pm PDT
0400 GMT = 5am UK time, midnight EDT, 9pm PDT


Anonymous said...

I think the best day for a chat would be Sat or Sun, and maybe an extended one because of the time difference.. mid afternoon until whenever :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really any weekend day would work for me.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

I chose 1900 GMT b/c I felt it was the most fair time for the UK folks, they shouldn't be required to stay up until the middle of the night to join a chat.  And 1900 GMT isn't bad for those of us in the US either.  

I do like Donna's idea also - that we have an extended chat, so that if we can't make it in until later, we could still join in.

Oh, and Guido, I think that is a pretty cool idea about putting the entries in a central journal, if it is feasible.  And I think each individual should put their journal address in their entry, also.  If you made a central journal (5 year AOL journal anniversary blog), we would all have one central place to come to, to read all the dedicated entries, instead of having to go search for them.  But we could also go visit different journals after we read an entry, and explore more of their journals, b/c we would have the journal addresses listed.  We could find new journals to read that way, and meet new people in our jland community!

If it becomes too complicated to do a journal full of entries, than I hope that you can at least do one full of links.  That would also work.  You could ask all to do an entry to send you the address of the entry (complete URL) and then you could do a blog that lists all the entries in it.  You could set it up as a link blog, listing the entry and linking it back to the person's entry in their blog.  Again, such a centralized blog would let us find all the entries!  One year I was going to do something similar to this, make a listing with links to everyone's entries, I believe it was the 3rd year anniversary of AOL journals.  But John was very ill and in the hospital at his bone marrow transplant center, so it never came about.  Anyway, good luck on whatever you decide!

Krissy :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, I'd rather have 3pm Eastern time, than 6pm.  I didn't notice the 3pm option until after I'd clicked on the other:)

Thanks for coordinating this.

And, I was thinking a dedicated post on Magic Smoke, that people could then either add to, or link to with their own posts?  Eh, just another idea.