Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Quick Win: Private Journals Fix

Hi folks -- here's a quick little win. (One of my rules for corporate bloggers is always blog your successes. Even the little ones. Make that especially the little ones.) Remember that problem we had last month, with Journalers unable to delete readers from their private Journals? It seems to be working again.

If you've got a private Journal, please try it and let me know if you still have problems deleting readers.

I'm not sure when it was fixed -- I probably just missed it. But I'll take what I can get.

Also, this one is more of a "duh" on my part than anything else -- if
you need to download the AOL software again, you can go to http://downloads.channel.aol.com/.

However, the AOL 9.0 they have listed is AOL 9.0 VR, which is the AOL that's compatible with the upcoming Microsoft operating system, Vista.

Not being a very good reader, I assumed that it was Vista-only, so I went through a whole rigamarole of trying to find the previous verison, AOL 9.0 Security Edition.

I finally got it, but then I re-read the downloads page and saw that the AOL 9.0 VR release "...works with the Microsoft® Windows Vista® and other Windows operating systems..."  Not believing I could still be that dumb, I read the system requirements, and yes, it says AOL 9.0 VR does work with Windows XP. Oops.

So, anyway, keep that in mind if you need to re-download the AOL software. Learn from my mistakes.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

I have 9.0 Security Edition SE. I don't think it was available as a download. I have the disc.( I used to beta test)

Anonymous said...

How long until they just abolish the client, Joe? Is it a waste of time and resources? I can't imagine them putting even more effort into that with the ever shrinking number of dial-up/subscribers.


Anonymous said...

Do I need to worry about this? I trust your judgement insofar as what I need to worry about.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a lot of good info here! Thanks for your recent help. First time I've heard "rigamarole" in a while. I almost deleted the word due to bewildered looks from the hard of understanding.