Friday, January 12, 2007

AOL Pictures & AOL Photo: What's the Difference?

Here are two more AOL photo-related plugs:

* First, at the AOL Pictures blog, the team talks a little more about the new WooHoo features, including examples of the "Sliding Blocks" and "Ken Burns" styles (I used the Ken Burns style in my own WooHoo example)

* Next, the photo editors over at the AOL Photo Talk blog are looking for your holiday pictures -- it's for the latest edition of Fotofestivus, which is a chance for you to show off your pictures on a theme.

Normally, they come up with a theme, then ask folks to go out and shoot photos based on that theme (similar to John's Monday Photo Shoots). This time around, since the theme is "holidays," you're welcome to use photos that you've already taken from this past holiday (or any holiday past, for that matter).

So here's your chance to show off your holiday photos, as well as mix it up with some of the AOL Photo Editors.


Now, for our purposes here, there's a difference between "AOL Pictures" and "AOL Photos."

It's kind of an organizational thing; AOL Pictures is the name of the product found over at -- you know, the one that used to be called "You've Got Pictures."

AOL Photo, on the other hand, is the team of Photo Editors that help programming groups add photos to stories and pages.
They also create some of the programming features that live under the "AOL Pictures" name, like all of the AOL Visions stuff, the Pictures of the Week galleries and more.

The Photo Editors work with photos from the wires and various photo services. In addition, in some cases, they'll go out and shoot their own stuff.

AOL Pictures = Product. AOL Photos = Photo Editors. At least, that's the way it is right now.

Thanks -- Joe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Joe,
I love your WooHoo!
People can get a good example of Woo Hoo by checking out Bea's blog at: