Monday, May 21, 2007

Followup on Embedded AOL Pictures Albums and Other R11B Things

Hi folks -- hope you all had a good weekend. Here's where we on followups from last week's R11b Journals release, as I mentioned on Friday:

The team has been working on a fix to re-add the Classic (non-Flash), slideshow-style AOL Pictures embedded albums back into Journals entries. When this happens, all previously published galleries will go back to the old style (with captions and the forward/back arrows).

Then, for newly created embedded albums, they'll be letting you choose between two radio-style buttons for Classic (HTML) galleries and the newer woohoo style (Flash) galleries (which will also have a pulldown menu so you can choose from the 6 woohoo styles).

Right now, the default selection will be for the newer, woohoo style galleries, but the option for  the Classic galleries will be right there as a simple click of the radio button, and I've asked that they look into "remembering" that preference. You can also express your preference for the default behavior at the team's R11b test blog.

The team has also been working on some additional fixes for some other items (some relatively minor, others only affecting specific International locales).

Now, here's what the tentative timing looks like for pushing those changes live:

* Do a couple of builds tomorrow (Tuesday, 5/22)

* Test, verify and push fixes to Beta on Wednesday, 5/23

* Push live to production early Thursday morning

Now, please keep in mind -- the team is working hard, but if they find any problems, we're running right up against the Memorial Day holiday installation moratorium (the Ops folks don't like for things to be installed before long holiday weekends, since it's that much harder to track down the people in case something goes wrong). So we'll keep you posted as to status.

Lastly for right now, check out Christopher's first video blog entry using the new Webrecorder (that lets you record Webcam video directly to your Journal), which is another of the new R11B features.

Remember, if you've got your own Webrecorder video, let me know by sending a link.

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna get out and join the 21st century by adding a webcam to the collection here!

I know you guys are working hard to get things in order, it is appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Joe, Will we have to enter any HTML on our own to get the old style albums back or will that be done automatically by choosing the album we want?

Anonymous said...

Are the captions we originally put on our albums going to be there or are we going to have to redo each and every single one of them?  Which would...umm...suck, by the way.  

Anonymous said...

I really like having options!, and some of the other woo-hoo are okay / fun, for SOME sets of photos.   I also tried a second way of adding a photo (and not having it move all around), which I didn't know how to do previous to you taking the time to list the specific steps.  So, thanks to you and the whole team.  Moving forward is one thing, including things as options is better:)

Anonymous said...

How are the people at AOL Hat UK getting on with sorting their problem? I'm still going French for logging on to my journal :-\

Anonymous said...

Hi folks -- the gallery fix should just be a click of a radio button (one of those round buttons that looks kind of like a googly eye when you click it) to choose between classic and animated styles.

When the fix goes in, the classic gallery style will include the previously used captions (they will be pulling from your AOL Pictures albums, which haven't been touched.)

Thanks -- Joe

Anonymous said...
