Thursday, September 7, 2006

Doogie Howser, F.B. (First Blogger)?

Here's an item featured in Wonkette ("Politics for People with Dirty Minds"), the politics-gossip blog that also serves as sort of a DC-local blog: in Bathroom Reading, DC-area blogger PR Slave DC posits that 'Doogie Howser, M.D.' was actually the first blogger.

If you remember, each 'Doogie Howser' episode ended with him typing a diary entry on his computer (which, if I recall correctly was an IBM PC clone, with a blue screen with white letters -- your classic WordPerfect style).

The show started in 1989, so there was an Internet (yes, folks, there was an Internet before the World Wide Web -- remember Gopher, newsgroups and telnet?), so it's theoretically possible that he was sharing this thoughts online, not just for himself --  which would make him the first blogger by about 5 years.

The folks over at have posted the show's intro on YouTube, where you can hear the dinky synth theme music and everything:

Doogie Howser MD Screenshot

(Speaking of Wonkette, it looks like they've gone over to an open, but moderated comment system. Previously, they'd had a whitelist of invite-only approved commenters. Since they're high-traffic and post a lot of flamebait, they get a lot of foul comments, so they have to do something to prevent comment spam and curb vulgarity -- you know, so people will stay focused on the vulgarity in the blog entries.)

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

Is true "blogging" the posting of boring mundane daily activity, like so many fall into the trap of doing??

Anonymous said...

The funny part about Doogie M.D. is that when he saw his first breast, he slit it open with a scalpel.

That can screw a kid up for life.

Had that show run 10 years like M.A.S.H. did, you probably would have seen Doogie robbing graves to build a Howserstein monster.

Anonymous said...

Jools -- can't say that I agree with you about blogging about personal daily activity as being a "trap."

People should blog about what they know, though that can also include what they think, not just what they did. Thanks -- Joe

Anonymous said...

My blog is ostensibly about sports, but I like to take pictures of my dog or the beach here and there. I can remember doing my first Scalzi assignment, and thinking "this kind of isn't a sports blog any more."