Friday, July 21, 2006

Your Mom Goes to College? (Or, Wanted: College Advice Bloggers)

(The first part of the headline is a reference to the movie Napoleon Dynamite, in case you were wondering.)

I just got a random request from the folks over at AOL Comedy, but it's for serious content -- they're working on a Parents' Corner feature package and are looking for some Journalers who happen to be moms or dads, and who can give advice on what the new crop of incoming college freshmen (um, "first-years," I guess), should bring with them to school.

If you have a blog and experience in sending a kid off to college, and are interested in being featured, please leave a comment with a link to your Journal, or send me an e-mail at

Thanks -- Joe


Anonymous said...

I am a mom and I am ateending college for the first time this fall..... Talk about nerves!!!! But looking forward to it. Tawnya

Anonymous said...

Since when is someone who is 45 "an old guy?"  You're not old until 80.

Anonymous said...

Chuckyjesus -- that was kind of the point, referring to Bob as an "old guy", since he wasn't one. Thanks -- Joe

Anonymous said...

Ummm...I am a mom and I do go to college. hehe My kids get strange looks over me going to college. Go figure.

This sounds like a great thing to do for new parents sending their kids away. I haven't crossed this bridge yet, thankfully.


Anonymous said...

That might work.

Anonymous said...

I may not be a mom but I am an entering freshman.  I suggest that anyone who isn't sure what to pack should make a list of everything they know they will need about three weeks in advance.  Then pack all of this stuff up and live off of that stuff only for the remainder of the summer.  As time goes by you will realize that there is stuff you need that you haven't packed and you can just add this to your check list (that you'll need for when you make the final pack) and your stash of stuff.  That's what I did and it worked great for me.