Friday, July 7, 2006

Introducing Journals Editor Jeff (With His Editor's Picks for 7/7)

Hi folks -- please give a warm Journals welcome to
Journals Editor Jeff, who will be helping me
do what we do over here. (Which, if you didn't know,
is pretty much encouraging people to blog; highlighting the blogs of
AOL Journalers and AIM Bloggers; and talking about stuff that's going
on in the big ole sphere o' blogs, including stuff that affects all of
us bloggers.)

Here he is, as seen in his new
Journal, PixelPusher:

Journals Editor Jeff

Jeff's been working in the Community
group for about a year. You may also know him as the "straight guy" in
his and Kenny's Straighten
column (which they promise they will turn into a blog

Recently, he's been familiarizing himself
with the AOL Journals landscape, so we got to the point where we wanted
to introduce Jeff to you with his Editor's
Picks for 7/7.

With Jeff on board, that
will give us some opportunities to find new ways to feature interesting
and noteworthy AOL Journals and AIM Blogs, taking advantage of all the
neat Web 2.0 technologies and the wisdom of crowds and the long tail
and all the other current social media buzzwords out

Please say hi to Jeff in his Pixel Pusher
, and check out his featured
picks for this week.

Thanks --

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Anonymous said...

Jeff and Joe, huh?  You guys should wear masks and stretchy lycra outfits like tag-team wrestlers.  Then, you can create a wicked little closing maneuver called the "J-Team Skull Smoosher."  Oh, and I can be your noisy manager who always gets a chair across his forehead.  We could rule the world!  


Anonymous said...

Er, thanks for the suggestion, but I will have to take a pass at this point in time. Thanks -- Joe