Thursday, October 19, 2006

'Lost': Psychedelics, Telepathics and Life on a Weed Farm

Now that's more like it -- that's what I want from 'Lost,' answers, action and more mysteries. As always, EW has a solid recap of last night's events. Check it out in another window while I fill you in on the theories, Easter eggs and total crap.

Before we get to the good stuff, though: I always hated sports. But talking about 'Lost', as it turns out, stimulates the same part of my brain that talking about sports would in other dudes. I've really come to value my friends'/fellow 'Lost' nuts Jamie Mottram and Shawn Schrager's input, both of whom work over at Sports Bloggers Live. A lot of their theories and observations are folded into my posts, and I've come to count on them for a 'Lost' postmortem every Thursday.


The Others have some sort of control over the polar bears. During the last season, we saw nothing of them -- while the Others were running laps around the island messing with our heroes. Now that they seem to have what they want, the bears are on the loose. Are the Others done fooling with our people on the beach? And -- will a polar bear eat one of the Others?

Maybe this theory about the island containing the spirit of a powerful psychic has some legs after all. Desmond's been endowed with clairvoyant powers, which are only going to get stronger as the season progresses. Desmond could well be a powerful weapon against the Others, or at the very least, be able to predict the arrival of the Others' planes.

According to Jamie, Locke, Eko and Desmond may now have a telepathic bond. Think about it: Eko told Locke that he is a hunter. Desmond knew Locke's speech before it happened.

I told you that Locke and Eko weren't dead. And now that they are back, possibly linked telepathically, the spritual side of the story has gotten a lot stronger. The final battle on the island will be one of science versus faith -- and the faith side is getting its ducks in a row.

Easter Eggs:

After a dry episode last week, eggs is back like a brand-new invention. Here are some, let me know if you see more:

When Charlie comments about his guard duty at Locke's sweat lodge, saying "so you don't devolve into a monkey," he is making a direct reference to
'Altered States,' a fantastically psychotronic film from the '80s. The main character consumes huge amounts of psychedelics while suspended in a sensory-deprivation tank, which causes him to trip so hard that he turns into a gorilla, eventually reverting into actual primal protoplasm.

Charlie says that "trees can be good conversationalists." He should know, as he talked to them a lot in the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy.

The undercover cop's T-shirt during Locke's flashback refers to the band
Geronimo Jackson. The band has been mentioned all over the 'Lost' timescape, including while Charlie and Hurley are flipping through records in the hatch during Season 2.

Locke is whacked on the head by Eko's Bible stick, which has various verses carved into the end. One of the verses says, "Lift up your eyes and look north." Presumably, Locke does just that when he finds Eko.

One of the skeletons found in the polar bear's cave is wearing a Dharma Initiative T-shirt.Shawn thinks the skeletons are suspiciously childlike, and that the
toy dump truck looks really familiar.

When Locke headed into the bear's cave with a torch and some hairspray, did you totally think he was going to chop Darth Vader's head off and see his own face inside the mask? That was JUST like 'Empire Strikes Back,' is all I'm saying.

The guy in the red checked shirt on the weed farm -- who is that guy? He looks like Other material to me.

There's a whole blog out there dedicated to 'Lost' Easter eggs, also. I've mentioned some here, left some out, just to preserve some pale semblance of originality on here. Check it out: Lost Easter Eggs

Total Crap:

When Hurley and Desmond got back to the beach, Desmond chose to stand there in Hurley's giant T-shirt skipping rocks rather than go score some pants. With his new clairvoyant powers, you'd think he could find a pair in his size pretty quick.

Locke finds some tore-up cotton balls on a stick, and we're supposed to think it's polar bear hair. Umm, no. Maybe if Snuggles the fabric-softener bear sprinted blindly through the jungle, MAYBE. Hair and cotton balls look pretty darned different, and I have a hard time believing that the show's prop budget ran out when it came time to decorate the woods with white fur. Maybe they blew their dough on all the fake blood in this episode.

Some people thought the
polar bears looked fake as hell, too.

That's what I got this week. Anything else? New theories, new Easter eggs, new crap? Leave it in the comments ...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for the Globetrotters.  Ya know?  Maybe Walt gets into a little one-on-one with Medowlark Lemon.  

I'm tellin' ya.  Don't rule it out.  


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout and the post. Very well written, informative and entertaining. That Lost Easter Eggs blog you mentioned would benefit greatly from your commentary.

Also, Xtine is speculating that Humboldt County Sheriff Boy's Dad may have been in the hatch with Desmond, seeing as how Sheriff Boy's Dad was a big Geronimo Jackson fan. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

As usual here's my take on the episode:

Anonymous said...

The 1st 2 seasons were great but this season is not holding my interest like the 1st 2 seasons.

Anonymous said...

On the Easter Egg site's Rumour section, did you notice the Jack related rumors for episode six? I'd hate to think it's true, but at the same time I'm looking forward to finding out.

Anonymous said...

love it