Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Lonelygirl15 Fights Poverty

LonelyGirl15 is back online,
but this time she's not clowning with her creepy crush.

Those of you that went on vacation this August may have
missed the unravelling of the
whole LonelyGirl15
... and those of
you that followed the cycle through may be wondering what Web darling
Jessica Rose is up to now.

really difficult to follow her story on YouTube by
searching "lonelygirl15" now, as the site is
clotted with
using that keyword.
And it's also really difficult to distinguish Rose herself from "Bree," the
character she plays from the
young lady who keeps showing up on television.

The real news is that the "LonelyGirl15" team
have been recruited by none other than the
United Nations to help fight
global poverty.
Check out
Bree's plea

In my view, this is pretty cool for two reasons:

1) It shows that the U.N. is willing to try any method they
can think of to advance their cause.

2) It's a
serious validation for a new art form. Short homemade videos aren't just the
province of internet goofballs and grandstanding teens -- they have power and
relevance beyond just goofing around in the dorm room.

the dawn of the serious side of this medium is breaking, its day may not have come
yet, according to the Wall Street Journal:

Of course, relying on user-generated content poses
challenges, the U.N. learned. One of the amateur producers turned in a ribald
video that showed three men sitting around a table eating, while discussing in
colorful detail the after-effects of eating beans. The conversation turns
serious when one of the men turns to the camera and says: "Some folks don't even
have a bowl of beans to

The thought of a bunch of U.N. reps reviewing that particular
submission cracks me up, although apparently they handled it well:

The incident didn't worry Y&R's global chief executive, Hamish
McLennan. "We went into this knowing there was stuff that is unconventional but
we are OK with it, if it means that we will have more people


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but this is not about this one posting.  This is about a problem I have encountered within the last 24 hours.  I had "ALL ABOUT ME" on the left side of my blog opening page.  All of a sudden it went down to the very bottom on the left side, after the 10 postings. I have tried everything I know, and talked online with three techs, and nobody can figure it out..So in order for anybody who may want to read the ALL ABOUT ME opening, and check the counter, it is way on the very end. Something surely went screwy...has anybody else had this problem?


Anonymous said...

hi just a heads up there seems to be a problem again with spell check in journals ugh help please


Anonymous said...

Government shouldn't just be about sodomy... let's bring in a hot young piece of ass to fight poverty!

More bloggers should be involved. I can't wait until they hand the Drug War over to John Scalzi.

Anonymous said...

this artical is good coverd well abt th poverty..

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff, thannnnks for coming round... enjoy the wedding, it's always fun when it is someone else who get married :D... I think a lot of the aol bloggers do pay attention to your posts... great writing
I will be back

Anonymous said...

Jeff... this girl is theatrical... she is fun, gorgeous, cartoon like, young, cute, intelligent, she's great... I loved it