Monday, October 9, 2006

Magic Smoke to Smoke Less This Week

I'll be out of the office for a while this week, spreading into next. I'm heading to San Francisco for an old college friend's wedding, then straight into jury duty when I return on Monday.

I'll be leaving the office Wednesday night and on a highly restricted posting schedule until I get back.

Just keeping y'all posted ...


Anonymous said...

hope you have a great trip.
enjoy jury duty! LOL


Anonymous said...

Take your monkey with you...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

See you when we do - let's hope we don't get any faults while you're away

Anonymous said...

First of all... and I say this with no venom whatsoever, as I know you and Bob were pretty close (which is good enough for me).... but this column has a sort of Van Hagar feel to it with you in the driver seat.

That is honestly nothing against you... you do fine work. We (me, maybe) are just used to Joe. I actually find myself missing Joe.

Water under the bridge, I suppose.... but anyhow, here's your first assignment for me:

- I'll be writing a blog entry, and I have to go back and edit something. When I do, the new stuff I type eats up the old stuff. I have to either re-type everything, or hit ENTER, backspace, and fill everything in... then go forward and backspace all the old stuff back to where I began correcting. This happens anywhere I blog, not just on AOL Journals.

As you might imagine, it pisses me the f*ck off. If you can fix it, maybe you are the new Batman.

- No one (and believe you me, I've asked a lot of tech types) has been able to tell me why I can't write "Lexington/Concord" in a chat room on AOL. You write it, you enter it, and it just doesn't go through. It just may be the silliest thing that ever fascinated me.


Anonymous said...

When that happens to me, Mon, I just push the button that says insert, and it's all fixed.  For some odd reason, my machine keeps throwing itself into type-over mode, and it's a pain.  


Anonymous said...

What a coinky dink!  My dad had jury duty today!

be well,

Anonymous said...


That button is right next to my backspace button.... but I bet I'll still be able to f*ck it up somehow.