Friday, September 16, 2005

Why We Blog

So, for my last update of an action-packed day, I just wanted to call your attention to the results of a survey that AOL conducted. The survey asked folks, "So why do you do this blog thing, anyway?" (I'm paraphrasing.)

you and I know that there are as many different possible answers to
this question as there are bloggers, but you can tease out some
patterns. Check out this writeup of the Blog Trends Survey (adapted by yours truly). You can also check out the press release, but mine has a pretty graphic that Jason did.

survey asked 600 bloggers from around the Web a bunch of questions
about why they blog. Now, if you're only listening to the navel-gazing
of the blog elite (the "blogerati") or follow along with the typical
blog stories in the mainstream media, you might think that we're all
blogging to break the latest big news exclusive, or we've all got thousands of readers, or that we're all trying to get rich and famous from blogging.

(Don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to pooh-pooh citizen journalism, by any means -- it's a very important phenomena and we want to do what we can to encourage it and highlight its power.)

It's just that the reality is, when you ask people why they blog, they say:

* We like to share our thoughts and feelings (54%)
* We like to talk about our lives and interests (50%)
* We do it because it's cathartic, or a kind of release -- in other words, it makes us feel better (50%)

On the flip side:

* Only 16% of bloggers are interested in journalism
* 12% are trying to break news or get a jump on gossip
* Only 8% do it to expose political information

You can read the rest of the survey bullets yourselves. I would characterize it as saying that people blog for themselves, and while they may be mindful of an audience of friends and family, they're still primarily doing it for themselves.

other bit that I found amusing: 66% of bloggers don't feel pressure to
do frequent updates of their own blogs, but about the same number (65%)
say they do pay attention to how frequently other bloggers (the ones they read) update their blogs. ("I don't care how often I update my blog, but you better update yours....") A little bit of "do as I say, not as I do."

Anyway, check out the survey results; there are more neat factoids
("A small number [3.8%] describe themselves as blogging perfectionists,
obsessive and compulsive") and ask yourself why you blog. I don't think
there are any wrong responses.

Have a great weekend, everyone. -- Joe


Anonymous said...

"I am" therefore I blog , LOL

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm reading this.  I was just trying to figure out this very phenomena about myself at my own journal/ direction.  I have journaled all my life...this has a different feel.  One can never really seperate from the knowledge that the entries are read by other what does it's (the journal/blog) value become?  Very interesting. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

Have a good weekend, Joe.  :)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice presentation on the Survey! I'd already written my blog entry on the survey before I found your adaptation online. I put it on the J-boards though :-)

I agree with a lot of the points in the survey, but I have a big issue with how it came into being. I don't believe AOL surveyed bloggers, but instead surveyed web surfers.

Might be fun to survey "us" with the same questions, ask for our URL, and recompile the survey based on blogger responses who have verifiable blogs. If the survey had touched actual bloggers, someone would have blogged it at some point between July and now. That did not happen.

That said, it's a fun survey and I hope ya'll improve on it next go round.

Anonymous said...

Joe, you are great...-jw littlebit k

Anonymous said...

I blog to be a part of a community, really.  I want others to know a part of my life, and I like to read about theirs.  Pretty simple.


Anonymous said...

ok i dont thik yuou do this for he but your own self thats great for you. but i was interested. i now realize i have been in a world of endless hope and a nevver end rope i dont thik i care if i fall anymore.

Anonymous said...

I don't blog anymore since I was never a journaller.

Anonymous said...

why does all white team beat all black team 9 out of ten??????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to work out the answer to that question because in the short time I've been blogging my feelings have changed a few times. I'm getting a lot of comments at the moment and because I like to read  the journals of the links that are left for me, I don't seem to have much time left for the actual writing! A very small part of me wishes I were thick-skinned, rude and plainly disinterested in other peoples blogs, but I actually have a fascination for what other people write and will never read a journal and fail to comment. I've grown to care about others here in a very short space of time, and that,  from a "time to write" point of view, can be a hindrance. But I have to say the joy of interaction outweighs the downside.

Anonymous said...

Hi ! Why do people blog you ask........good question. Blogs are not boring as you once thought. Blogs are great because you get to meet all kinds of wonderful kinds of people. Blogs are also informative and fascinating. I have found that I blog because I get to meet all different kinds of individuals from all walks of life. Blogs help especially if I am feeling down or when I am feeling great. Its nice to come upon a new blog that I have never read before and meet that person through his or her blog. " BLOGS ARE TREASURES".............You found out that blogs are not boring. "I LOVE BLOGS"......I'm sure many others would agree.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy blogging for several reasons .... it's a creative venue, it's informative (I read the "blogerati" citizen journalists daily) and now, it's a safe way to vent my own feelings, frustrations and opinions.  

Since having two friends yet "unaccounted for" in the Katrina aftermath, I've changed blogging focus .... I'm not sure how long this "new" focus will last.  

Currently, I have to go outside AOL to find bloggers with whom to interact on political/Katrina-related topics.  (Searching AOL has provided little response.)  Everyday testimonials, hobbies/interests, sharing inner thoughts, etc. are good -- I still read them -- but with the emotional aftermath of Katrina, I use blogging as a venue for something I feel is more important than myself.

Who knows.  Maybe when my friends are accounted for, my blogging focus will change again ...

Anonymous said...

Hello....I have a question for you. I have read several journals but I have found a great journal that has never been singled out as an editors pick. There is a journal titled "Bees Shutter" which I think deserves to be chosen. The Link to this journal is as follows.......
perhaps you might chose this one to be one of your next best. I think its a wonderful one.

Anonymous said...

I think there are many reasons, but one big one is, people have more time to do this kind of thing than they use to with with auto everythings around the house.  

I do it because I am 61, but disabled and have lots of time on my hands!

Anonymous said...

I blogg for a kind of therapy almost. "Life Therapy"!! No deductable required!! To me life is such an incredible journey both positive and negative sides will always apply to it. But the bad makes you cherious the good  moments!! And arround each corner is something new and different. A new challenge to make us strong, a new goal to conquer. No its not always a good experience but it is a new learning experience. The phrase life is what you make of it is oh so true!

I am one of those people in life that everything happens to me, some are what I call "I Love Lucy" moments (smiling), others are more serious and require alot of effort but I love people and I love life!! Hey I am a redhead so I have to have redhead moments. So why not share the happiness and sorrow?? It is from each others stories that we find strength and laughter.
And the true passion for life!!

I enjoy most the emails explaining I recieve of the readers of my blogs. Where they can identify with me and share their story. My most favorite entry was "the men of aol"!!

I am getting a divorce, learning to date again and living life again! I think its worth sharing!!!
                                       The NY Redhead 311

Anonymous said...


Joe you wonder why people blog........Well let me say that you need to check out a blog titled.........Ellipsis....The Blue Willow Gallery which is a blog you might want to highlight as America's Online Guest Editor..........The link to this journal is.........

You might also want to highlight the journal titled Ellipsis. The link to this journal is.......

I think this blog will answer your question. Blogs are both interesting, funny, poetic, artistic and spirit lifters. These two blogs are worth highlighting. I'm sure many others would agree with me. Thank You.........

Anonymous said...

I am a compulsive blogger but don't keep an aol blog for a couple of reasons
- mostly because it is not as flexible in terms of layout customization as other blog services out there.
- it doesn't offer a lot of features for the begginer or even expert bloggers to enhance content.
- lack of time... since I keep a couple of other blogs in 2 different languages.
However, since I am an AOL member, I'd love to publish my stuff in here... if only you'd offer things like:
- importing capabilities, so that we can import content from other blogs we may keep
-xml feeds capability...
-enhanced post  editor with more customization tools for the less savvy.
Any plans for that in the foreseable future?

Anonymous said...

I just started to blog today 9/23/05 and I just did it cause i thought hay why not it would be fun

Anonymous said...

I make entries in my journal to find out what I think
and all the while watch to see how much I cover up
in some mad desire to 'look good' or on top of things.
I posted, for example, my feelings about the Sylvia Plath
poem TULIPS, for the excellence of the poem itself,
but also because I do so admire the extraordinary honesty
of Plath, her thrilling willingness to share and be with
her reader.  Artistically I'd like to be like Sylvia Plath.


Anonymous said...

I blog because it's FUN!  I don't post in my blogs every day (I will correct that situation soon, though), but when I do, I hope that what I post will enlighten, amuse and get people to respond to what I'm writing about...

Here's my 3(!) AOL blogs....
and my newest political 'blog....

Drop by and check 'em out.   :-)

Anonymous said...

I just had my first, yes thats right, my first blog experience, and that was with writing my first blog, anywhere, and it was here on aol.  I certainly hope it will be therapeutic for me as well as personally insightful.  I also hope it will take up alot of my time and finally give me something to be interested in.  I am a 36 year old disabled man with ALOT of time on his hands.  I am on many meds as well as 24 hour oxygen therapy.  Sometimes i feel like a beagle on a leash lol.  I may read some other blogs as well, if this isn't considered to be too intrusive, although I do beleive that is why they are posted.  I have many thoughts to come thru my finger tips, so my blog will be updated often.

Anonymous said...

I blog for many reasons - mostly because I need a way to express myself.  I like to write about movies and stuff that I have seen on Tv, past experiences.  For some reason people enjoy reading about that more than they like hearing me talk about it.  I like the feeling of writing in the first person and just maybe by making some things in my life public, I may touch someone's life.  (I usually make everyone mad though.)

I have to say this, though. I tried using AOL for my blog space..and got started there...but I moved to MySpace because it offers more freedom of speech and allows me to use hypertext etc without worrying about getting a TOS.  I rec'd 2 TOS violations simply from people trying to add links to the comments.  But the AOL blog is a good place for a novice blogger who doesn't care about HTML markup, adding music or graphics, and doesn't mind "keeping it clean" for the general public.

Anonymous said...

well I thought blogging would be a end to a seriuos mean but nobody cares! My blogging is no everyday crap its a serious thing ! but I wont lose hope Thank you

Anonymous said...

i just started to blog to things off my chest.  i really have no one to talk to about anything (no one listens to me anyway). i think this will be away for me to vent and get a objective veiw and response on my life.

Anonymous said...

I began blogging a couple of years ago, I think, because I'm a writer. I thought blogging was a fun and easy way to store my poems and short stories.  As it happens it ballooned into a huge and fun way to correspond with other bloggers, as well.  