Saturday, September 10, 2005

New Guest Editor's Picks for 9/9(ish)

Hi everybody. Sorry for the delay in posting; as mentioned in the Journals Message Board, our new Guest Editor's Picks are up on the Journals Main Page:

Guest Editor Ken

Our Guest Editor this week is Ken, an author and psychiatrist; his blog is Thoughts From the HEADoc. Dr. Ken explains what the name means in his blog entry. Of course, he also talks about his top blog picks:

* Kevin, M.D.
* Orac Knows
* Follow Me
* Further Ironies
* The Squiggler
* Markham's Behavioral Health

Ken's picks center around medical and mental health issues, as well as featuring a few doctors blogging with opinions on things other than the strictly medical (shocking, I know).

Here's a bonus photo of Ken -- we used it in the Alert (since it wasn't big enough to use on the main page:
Ken photo 2
In other news, we've got a good number of submissions to our Katrina: Messages of Hope photoblog, though we can always use more. (If you've submitted already, we're still processing pics.)

That's it for right now, I'll talk to you later. Thanks. -- Joe


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To whom may I go when I have problems with my blog?  For example, last week, all of my photos were summarily deleted by AOL with no warning or explanation afterwards?  And now I'm trying to add names to my private blog, and for no logical reason, one of the names are not accepted.

Any ideas?