Friday, September 16, 2005

Fun With Hit Counters (Note: Actual Fun Content May Vary)

Okay, is an entry on that ever-popular question, "Hey, what the [heck] happened to my hit counter!"

Recently, Jackie, she of some very popular reality TV blogs, including Big Brother 6 Live Feed Report & More, kind of let us have it (and we deserved it) because her hit counter crashed, going from over 370,000 to bupkis (nothing).

your Journal may not be getting that kind of traffic, but the problems
are the same. I asked Ian why this keeps happening (Ian isn't the
Journals Product Manager anymore, but he still has Hometown stuff,
which is where the counters fall under) -- this is what he says:

number of hits is stored in a text file within HT [Hometown] (called
odometer, if you go into your HT space you can see it). When another
hit is recorded for a Journal, that file is overwritten and incremented
by 1. When the hit counter is being updated very rapidly, the file will
attempt to overwrite itself while it is already overwriting itself. This is a write-lock, and the file blows up
- at best it resets to zero and at worst breaks the hitcounter
altogether, thus serving a broken image that we see as the end result."

So, that's the why -- the next part of the question is "So whaddya going to do about it?"
There are a few different courses of action for fixes being proposed,
but none of them can be implemented immediately (they all require
development and infrastructure work.)

If you want to avoid this
problem entirely, you can try any one of a number of free, HTML-based
Web page counters on the Web -- they just can't use Javascript, and the
HTML you use to get the counter in your About Me area counts against
your overall character limit (we know you want to get that raised, too).

you me, no one over here likes that fact that our best answer right now
is "go use someone else's counter", and the team is working on it. We
will keep you updated.

If your counter is broken right now (that
is, showing a broken image), try removing it from your page and
re-adding it (from the "Edit Journals" button).  If that still
doesn't work:

1. Go to Keyword: FTP
2. Click "See My FTP Space"
3. You should see a file that starts ".odometer" and ends with the name of your Journal.

4. Delete this file. (Highlight it, click "Utilities", then hit "Delete").  Note: Be careful while you do this. Also, note that this will recreate your hit counter from zero.

Thanks. -- Joe


Anonymous said...

What about using Javascript in the body of an entry? Is that doable?


Anonymous said...

Any reason why the folks in the UK have a more advanced file manager than we do and are able to replace their odometer file with a new one when this glitch happens? Hmm? (Had to delete my odometer file and was frustrated that I couldn't just replace it with a new txt file with the correct hit count number...sooo easy to I'm missing like 4,000 hits.)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on counters! Mine has "locked" in the past as you described, but it did come back after adding it again through edit Journals. I never needed to delete the .odometer file.

What is odd is that some people have deleted the .odometer file and then added it again via edit Journals only to have the X for counter remain. I have not seen that mentioned on the boards in a long while though.

Anonymous said...

Mine has been resetting several times a day.  I went and installed the third party counters on my three TV blogs.  One of my TV blogs is barely started and reset when it had less than 800 hits.  Sigh.  I'm not thrilled with having to use the limited About Me space to have a counter.  I'm glad they're working on it, but now I have guesses instead of actual counts.

Anonymous said...

Oi me hearties Long John Silver would be proud of ye .
Keep up the poirate Blogs or we'll all be becalmed and be forced to eat some Long Pig when the rations runs out
Ben Gunn

Anonymous said...

i recall when my own hit counter was averaging 5,000 hits a day (when i made editors picks one time) and it suddenly reset to zero .. at least this explains why it broke :)

i stopped using the aol counter about a year back and now (because i wanted that space in my all about me section) i am back to using the aol counter again

thanks for the explanations Joe !!!


Anonymous said...

Well, I lost my hit counter and it was reading at the time 38,116. Then it re-appeared by itself and came back reading 29!  As my journal is listed on the main page this is not good.  So I decided to do what you suggested and go elsewhere and get a free hit counter.  I followed the instructions, copied the code, went into All About Me to add it - only to find that no hit counter appeared, only the code!  So if journals counters keep going on the blink, and I was unable to add a different one, what can I do now?

Anonymous said...

Postscript to my previous message. I have now managed to add a free counter from the web.  It was just a matter of finding one that actually worked on journals because not all of them do.  So, if anyone has been trying to add a free counter and failed, do not give up, just try another site, you will find one eventually.  I am sorry though, it would be much better if we did not have to resort to getting counters from elsewhere but for the time being that seems to be the case.

Anonymous said...

Oh and a p.p.s.  Yes, I certainly wish we had more space under All About Me - to put my new hit counter on I had to delete everything except my picture and I was very sorry to have to do that.  I had a little weather pixie that recorded the weather here in England and lots of my American journal friends liked to check each time they visited.  Alas, she is no more.  She will be re-instated if and when we get more space.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am indeed asking 'what the heck happened to my hit counter' but for a different reason! I just started my blog and clicked 'Remove' on the hit counter by accident. I now can't retrieve it! I have gone into 'Edit journals', then 'Change the layout or features' but the 'Hit counter' button was already ticked... I un-ticked it and re-ticked it several times, but it doesn't appear on my blog...

So I have no idea whether anyone is actually reading the thing! Please help?!

Thanks! Vicky