Friday, September 2, 2005

New Guest Editor's Picks for 9/2

Hi everybody. As posted in the Journals Message Board, our new Guest Editor's Picks are up on the Journals Main Page:

Guest Editor Maryanne

Our Guest Editor this week is Maryanne, an artist who works in many mediums (media?), including her blog, My Feelings Are Real....

Here is her blog entry, where she talks about her top picks and more:

* Riehl World View
* Ellipsis
* I Shaved My Legs for This?
* Grains of Sand
* Jottings From the Sticks
* Poetry Dance

In other developments, regular readers -- heck, even casual readers -- of the Journals Message Boards
(which are a great resource for sharing tips and telling people about
your Journal) will notice that they've been converted over with the
rest of the Computing boards to the Message Boards 3.0 interface.

The primary difference is that you can see up to 20 posts in a thread at once (it's a user preference you can set), which is nice -- it's a lot less clicking.

I'm feeling my way around the Boards 3.0 interface, just like you; a few notes answering questions I've gotten:
* Spellcheck is coming in the 3.1 release, though I don't have a schedule..
* To start a post on a new topic, click "Add Thread"; it's up near the board description.
* "Mark Board Read" is gone for now but will be added back in at a later date.
* Hyperlinks in sigs should have carried over; however, if you're changing or creating a new sig, you can't include clickable hyperlinks. I've asked the product team if they can get those back in, though no word yet.

was never a big fan of the previous Web boards -- they were pretty much
an HTML port of the FDO boards (and not a very good one, at that). I
like the Boards 3.0 interface a lot more, though I'm still getting used
to it.

That's about it for right now. I will get in a quick Katrina update before I head out. Talk to you. -- Joe



Anonymous said...

I find the new board format close to unusable. There are plenty of much better internet board formats which AOL could have adopted. I can't find the navigation tools. I have to keep clicking all over the place. I can't mark a board read and when I click on the first post, everything that follows is marked read whether or not I want that.

Searching is now limited to 30 days. No longer can we dig back into the archives for choice, classic posts to share or enjoy again. Formatting posts and quoting in reply are difficult at best, when they work. And I spend more time scrolling, especially past all the blank white space in half of the posts, than I ever spent in clicking.

I will likely stop using AOL's message boards soon and I'm running out of reasons to keep my AOL account. I understand AOL needed to change the format, but change should be an improvement, not a step backward. The boards are a mess now. I was one of the people who defended the previous change, but no more. I agree with everyone who has complained on the boards I read, mostly in the Hobbies and Professions/Writing areas.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the "boards 3.0". I like the new update and I am using it for all my boards now except the AOLUK Journal board and one AOLUS board. I especially like the way you can link to a board post now and it's a smooth click transition.

Great guest editor pick!

Anonymous said...

The HTML boards are very difficult for those of us with cognitive and/or visual disabilities to use.  Quite frankly, I'm surprised that AOL was so careless in forcing all members into a board format where you have to adjust the settings for every reply, and have to cut and paste to do a spell check.  

I don't necessarily feel that going to HTML is a bad idea, but you really shouldn't go to it until the product is ready. Surely you wouldn't want a member to send a check, without the funds in the bank... would you?

But there again, these days when you check Keyword: Settings there is no longer any Accessibility area perhaps I shouldn't be surprised...:(

Now, I'm not here to tell anyone I'm going to pick up my account and go elsewhere.  Having been here since 1988, I'm not about to go anywhere.  Like so many I'm just a bit upset that AOL had forgotten the meaning of "Community", or the value of it...!!!

Thanks for the update Joe.....your blog is a great one..:)

Anonymous said...